of Speeches
Speeches 1996
- January 18, 1996
- NATO Secretary General's Remarks at SHAPE Staff, Mons
- January 19, 1996
- NATO News Conference of Secretary General and SACEUR.
- February 3, 1996
- Secretary-General's Speech at the Wehrkunde Conference Munich 3rd-4th
February 1996.
- February 12, 1996
- Press Conference at Mostar, 12 February 1996.
- February 14, 1996
- Farewell Remarks by the Secretary General to the Chairman of the
Military Committee, Sir Richard Vincent.
- February 20, 1996
- "Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership: NATO Confronts the Next
Century" - Speech by Secretary General Mr Javier Solana at Georgetown
- February 22, 1996
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Mr. Javier Solana, at the Library
of Congress.
- February 22, 1996
- Speech by the Deputy Secretary General at an Extraordinary Session of
the WEU Assembly, London.
- February 26, 1996
- Inaugural Address by Deputy Secretary General Sergio Balanzino,
Course 88 - NATO Defence College.
- March 8, 1996
- Statement by the Deputy Secretary General in Sarajevo
- March 18, 1996
- Joint Press Conference of Secretary General and SACEUR, NATO Headquarters.
- March 20, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Russian Council on Foreign and Security Policy.
- Mars 27, 1996
- Discours du secrétaire général devant le Colloque: "La Défense
de la France dans l'après-guerre froide"
- March 28, 1996
- Closing Remarks by the Deputy Secretary General At Exercise Compact Guard Partnership for Peace.
- 28 mars 1996
- Allocution liminaire du Sécrétaire général devant la réunion avec les membres de la commission des affaires étrangères, de la défense et des forces armées du sénat français
- April 18, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General to the Polish Euro-Atlantic
Associations at the University of Warsaw.
- April 20, 1996
- Discours du secrétaire général délégué devant la Table Ronde à Monaco: "Les organisations internationales dans le processus de
- April 20, 1996
- Dinner Speech by the Secretary General at Conference on Dismantlement and Destruction of Chemical, Nuclear and Conventional Weapons, Bonn, 20 April 1996
- April 22, 1996
- Opening Statement of the Secretary General at the Press Conference in NATO Headquarters.
- April 26, 1996
- Address by his Majesty the King of Spain at the North Atlantic Council, NATO HQ, Brussels.
- April 29, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Bohemiae Foundation in Prague, Czech Republic: "The New Role of NATO in European Security"
- April 29, 1996
- Summary of the Speech by the Secretary General at the Bohemiae Foundation in Prague, Czech Republic: "NATO is taking up the challenge presented by the new circumstances on our continent"
- May 9, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Norwegian Atlantic Treaty Association, Oslo, 9th May 1996
- June 3, 1996
- Opening Statement by the Secretary General of the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Berlin
- June 4, 1996
- Secretary General's Opening Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council in Berlin
- June 12, 1996
- Council Welcoming Remarks on the Acceptance Ceremony for the Individual Partnership Programme (IPP) of the Former Republic of Macedonia.
- June 12, 1996
- Address by HE Dr. Ljubomir Frchkoski, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia at the Acceptance Ceremony for the Individual Partnership Programme between the Republic of Macedonia and NATO for 1996-1998
- June 13, 1996
- Speaking Note for the Chairman: Meeting of the Planning Committee in Ministerial Session
- June 13, 1996
- Speaking Note for the Chairman: Meeting of the Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session
- June 13, 1996
- Presentation by the Deputy Secretary General, Peace Implementation Council Meeting Florence.
- June 13, 1996
- Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary Frank Kramer, Assistant Secretary Ash Carter, Ambassador Robert E. Hunter at NATO Headquarters, Brussels.
- June 14, 1996
- Scenario and Speaking Notes for the Chairman at the Meeting of the Ministers of Defence Meeting with Co-operation Partners at NATO Headquarters, Brussels.
- June 14, 1996
- Press Opportunity by Secretary of Defense William J. Perry at NATO Headquarters, Brussels.
- June 14, 1996
- Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary Frank Kramer, Assistant Secretary Ash Carter, Ambassador Robert E. Hunter at NATO Headquarters, Brussels.
- September 3, 1996
- Statement By Secretary General On Iraq
Déclaration du Secrétaire général de l'OTAN sur l'Iraq
- September 13, 1996
- "NATO: Fit for the 21st Century", Speech by the Secretary General at NATO Defence College, Rome.
- September 16, 1996
- Visit by Hungarian President, Secretary General's Welcoming Remarks for Council
- September 16, 1996
- Address by H.E. Mr. Arpad Gönez, President of the Republic of Hungary, to the North Atlantic Council, Brussels.
- September 18, 1996
- Opening Remarks by the Secretary General at the visit of the Hungarian president at NATO Headquarters.
- September 19, 1996
- Summary of the Speech by Secretary General Solana at the IISS, London: "The Alliance's effectiveness and cohesion have grown measurably in recent years."
- September 19, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General at the IISS, London: "NATO: Shaping Up for the Future"
- September 25, 1996
- Opening comments at the Meeting of Defence Ministers in Bergen.
- October 2, 1996
- Speech by Mr. Javier Solana, Secretary General at the European Parliament.
- October 7, 1996
- Press Conference of Secretary General and General Lebed at NATO Headquarters.
- October 16, 1996
- Address By H.E. Mr. Algirdas Brazauskas, President Of The Republic Of Lithuania at the North Atlantic Council.
- October 17, 1996
- Address by H.E. Michal Kovac President of the Slovak Republic to the North Atlantic Council, Brussels, NATO HQ.
- October 21, 1996
- Secretary General's Speech to the Dutch Atlantic Commission, The Hague.
- October 22, 1996
- Transcript of the Remarks by President W. J. Clinton To People Of Detroit
- November 4, 1996
- Address by Mr. Javier Solana, Secretary General of NATO at the Atlantic Treaty Association Assembly, Rome
- November 15, 1996
- Secretary Generals Remarks at the Gala Dinner Atlantic Council Essay Contest Award Ceremony
- November 21, 1996
- Speech by the Secretary General at the North Atlantic Assembly
- November 25, 1996
- Secretary Generals Speech at IEEI Conference Lisbon: "NATO and the Development of the European Security and Defence Identity"
- December 4, 1996
- Presentation by the NATO Secretary General at the Peace Implementation Conference in London.
- December 10 1996
- Opening Statement by the Secretary General at the December Ministerial Meetings of the North Atlantic Council.
- December 10, 1996
- Secretary Generals Statement to the Press following NAC Ministerial.
- December 11, 1996
- Opening Statement by the Secretary General at the December Ministerial Meetings of the North Atlantic Co-operation Council.
- December 11, 1996
- Press Conference of Secretary General and Minister Primakov at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council in Ministerial Session.
- December 11, 1996
- Press Statement by the Secretary General after the NACC Ministerial.
- December 10-11,
- Speeches by official representatives from NATO and NACC countries and international organisations at the December Ministerial Meetings of the North Atlantic Council.
- December 11, 1996
- Discours de bienvenue par le Secrétaire général à la visite par le Ministre
des Affaires étrangères suisse, M. Flavio Cotti.
- December 11, 1996
- Déclaration du Conseiller fédéral Flavio Cotti à loccasion de la signature
du document cadre du Partenariat pour la paix.
- December 17, 1996
- Opening Statement by the Chairman at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council in Defence Ministers Session.
- 17 décembre 1996
- Intervention du Ministre belge de la Défense Mr. Poncelet.
- December 17, 1996
- Opening Remarks by the Secretary General at the Press Conference with SACEUR.
- December 17, 1996
- Press Conference by the Secretary General and SACEUR.
- December 18, 1996
- Press Point of Mr. Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General and Minister Igor Rodionov, Russian Defence Minister at the Meeting of the Defence Ministers at NATO HQ, Brussels.