Years] |
Speeches & opinions
- NATO Speech - 10 January 2001
- Transcript of the Press Conference given by NATO Secretary General
Lord Robertson
- NATO Speech - 10 January 2001
- Transcript of the Briefing by Mr. Mark Laity, NATO Acting Spokesman,
Lt. Col Scott Bethal, Dr. Michael Kilpatrick and Col. Eric Daxon
- NATO Speech - 16 January 2001
- Statement by Major General Van Hoof, Chairman of COMEDS at the Press
Briefing on the possible military health problems associated with service
in the Balkans, at NATO HQ.
- NATO Speech - 16 January 2001
- Transcript of the Press Briefing given by Major General Roger Van
Hoof, Colonel David Lam and Mr Mark Laity at NATO Brussels
- NATO Speech - 25 January 2001
- "NATO in the New Millennium" - Speech by NATO Secretary General,
Lord Robertson at the Manfred Wrner Memorial Lecture Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
- NATO Speech - 25 January 2001
- "European Security in the 21st Century" - Speech
by the Secretary General at the 5th Editors' Forum of the Federal Security
Academy in Berlin.
- NATO Speech - 29 January 2001
- "ESDI and Transatlantic Defence Cooperation" - Speech by Lord
Robertson, NATO Secretary General at the Conference on
"The Globalisation of Defence Industry: Policy Implications for NATO
and ESDI", Chatham House, London
- NATO Speech - 2 February 2001
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Nobel Institute, Oslo, Norway
- NATO Speech - 3 February 2001
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson - Conference on
Security Policy, Munich
- NATO Speech - 15 February 2001
- "NATO in the New Millennium" - Secretary General's Mountbatten
Lecture, University of Edinburgh
- NATO Speech - 16 February 2001
- "NATO: what have you done for me lately?" - NATO Secretary General
Lord Robertson Earl Grey Memorial Lecture , Newcastle
- NATO Speech - 17 February 2001
- "NATO in the New Millennium" - Secretary General's Saturday
Evening Public Lecture Lecture, University of Dundee
- NATO Speech - 20 February 2001
- Secretary General's remarks at the opening of the NATO Information
Office, Moscow
- NATO Speech - 21 February 2001
- Speech by Lord Robertson, NATO Secretary General at the Moscow State
Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO)
- NATO Speech - 1 March 2001
- "NATO - The enduring Mission" - Speech by NATO Secretary,
General Lord Robertson, at the presentation of the Chesney Gold Medal
to Baroness Thatcher, Royal United Services Institute, London
- NATO Speech - 7 March 2001
- "Trans-Atlantic Relations - Overcoming New Challenges" -
Speech by the Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Secretary General
of NATO, hosted by The American Enterprise Institute Washington, D.C.
- NATO Speech - 15 March 2001
- "Security and Prosperity: Two Halves of the Same Walnut" -
Speech by the Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Secretary General
of NATO, to the British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
- NATO Speech - 19 March 2001
- Press Point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, and the Foreign
Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1),
Dr. Srgjan Kerim
- NATO Speech - 23 March 2001
- "Promoting Peace through Partnership" - Speech by NATO Secretary,
General Lord Robertson, Cambridge European Trust Lecture London, UK
- NATO Speech - 23 March 2001
- "NATO: Shaping Security in the 21st Century" - Speech by NATO
Secretary General, Lord Robertson - Lecture to The European-Atlantic
Group, London.
- NATO Speech - 26 March 2001
- "Security Challenges in South-East Europe: Perspectives from the
Region" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson in
Rome, Italy
- NATO Speech - 29 March 2001
- "European Security in the 21st Century - Completing Europe's Unfinished
Business" - Speech by the Secretary General at Warsaw University
- NATO Speech - 30 March 2001
- "The State of the Alliance - a Good News Story" - Speech by
the Deputy Secretary General at the 11th International Antalya Conference
on Security and Cooperation Antalya, Turkey
- NATO Speech - 2 April 2001
- Speech by the Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson, Secretary General of NATO
on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of SHAPE
- NATO Speech - 23 April 2001
- "Communicate" - Speech by Lord Robertson, NATO Secretary General
at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam
- NATO Speech - 25 April 2001
- Statement by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson on the visit of
the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Dr . Nebojsa Covic
- NATO Speech - 8 May 2001
- Press point by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc
Grossman and Deputy National Security Advisor of the United States,
Steve Hadley at the NATO HQ
- NATO Speech - 9 May 2001
- "Perspectives on Democratic Civil-Military Relations and Reform" -
Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Centre for
European Security Studies Conference "Taking Stock on Civil-Military
Relations" in The Hague, The Netherlands
- NATO Speech - 10 May 2001
- "New Security and Defence Challenges in the Euro-Atlantic Area" -
Speech by the Rt.Hon. Lord Robertson, Secretary General of NATO Centro
Caixa - Barcelona, Spain
- NATO Speech - 15 May 2001
- "Opening Remarks", at the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the
Infrastructure Committee - Speech by the Rt.Hon. Lord Robertson,
Secretary General of NATO - Brussels, NATO HQ
- NATO Speech - 17 May 2001
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Albanian
Atlantic Association, Tirana, Albania
- NATO Speech - 31 May 2001
- "NATO and Europe" - "Key Steps for European Integration -- Promoting
Peace and Prosperity in Europe" - Presentation by NATO Secretary
General Lord Robertson at the Wilton Park Conference, Dubrovnik,
- NATO Speech - 31 May 2001
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the NATO Parliamentary
Assembly Spring Session in Vilnius, Lithuania.
- NATO Speech - 11 June 2001
- "European Defence: Challenges and Prospects" - Speech by
the Secretary General at the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
Chatham House, London
- NATO Speech - 17 June 2001
- "Change and Security: Responding to the New Challenges" -
Speech by the Secretary General at the 2001 Marshall Memorial Fellowship
Alumni Conference, Evian, France
- NATO Speech - 19 June 2001
- "International Security and Law Enforcement - A Look Ahead" -
Speech by the Secretary General at Law Enforcement and National Security
Global Forum, Edinburgh, International Conference Centre
- NATO Speech - 19 June 2001
- "NATO's Challenges: Illusions and Realities" - Speech by
the Secretary General at the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.
- NATO Speech - 20 June 2001
- "NATO -- Managing the Challenges of Today, and Tomorrow" -
Speech by the Secretary General at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington
- NATO Speech - 5 July 2001
- "Ukraine and NATO: Making the Right Choices for the 21st
Century" - Secretary General's Speech at the SACLANT Symposium,
- NATO Speech - 13 August 2001
- Transcript of the Press Conference by NATO Spokesman, Yves Brodeur
in Skopje.
- NATO Speech - 22 August 2001
- Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson following the
North Atlantic Council Decision to Launch Operation Essential Harvest
- OTAN Discours - 22 août 2001
- Declaration du Secrtaire gnral la suite de la dcision prise par le
Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord de lancer l'Opration Essential Harvest
- NATO Speech - 29 August 2001
- Address to Parliamentary Party Leaders of the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia (1) by NATO Secretary General,
Lord Robertson in Skopje.
- NATO Speech - 6 September 2001
- "International Citizenship" - Speech by the Secretary
General at the Roscoe Lecture Series John Moores University, Liverpool
- NATO Speech - 7 September 2001
- "Building a Vision: NATO's Future Transformation"
- Speech by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson at the SACLANT Seminar,
- NATO Speech - 20 September 2001
- Press Availability by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State Armitage
- NATO Speech - 28 September 2001
- Speech by the Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson, on the 50th
Anniversary of the NATO Defence College, Rome, Italy
- NATO Speech - 1 October 2001
- "Is NATO up to the Challenge?" - Secretary General's
speech at the "Welt am Sonntag Forum", Berlin, Germany
- NATO Speech - 2 October 2001
- Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson,
NATO Headquarters
- OTAN Discours - 2 Octobre 2001
- Déclaration du Secrétaire Général de
l'OTAN, Lord Robertson, au Siège de l'OTAN
- NATO Speech - 3 October 2001
- Speech by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and the Russian President
Putin at thr Palais d'Egmont, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 4 October 2001
- Speech by the Deputy Secretary General of NATO Ambassador Alessandro
Minuto Rizzo to the Atlantic Treaty Association in Bled, Slovenia
- NATO Speech - 4 October 2001
- Statement to the Press by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson,
on the North Atlantic Council Decision On Implementation Of Article
5 of the Washington Treaty following the 11 September Attacks against
the United States
- OTAN Discours - 4 octobre 2001
- Déclaration à la presse du Secrétaire général sur la décision du
Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord concernant l'application de l'article
5 du Traité de Washington en conséquence des attaques perpétrées le
11 septembre contre les Etats-Unis
- NATO Speech - 5 October 2001
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Summit on the Contribution
of New Democracies to Euro-Atlantic Security in Sofia, Bulgary
- SHAPE Speech - 9 October 2001
- Statement to the Media by SACEUR.
- NATO Speech - 9 October 2001
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson to the NATO Parliamentary
Assembly, Ottawa
- NATO Speech - 10 October 2001
- An Attack on Us All: NATO's Response to Terrorism - Remarks
by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Atlantic Council of
the United States, National Press Club, Washington
- NATO Speech - 24 October 2001
- "The Future of the Transatlantic Link" - Speech
by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, Lisbon, Portugal
Speeches related
to Ten years of Partnership and Cooperation (26
October 2001) are available separately. |
- NATO Speech - 6 November 2001
- "Warsaw Conference on Combating Terrorism" - Intervention
by Ambassador Minuto Rizzo, NATO Deputy Secretary General, Warsaw,
- NATO Speech - 7 November 2001
- "Presentation to the EAPC" - by Rafael ESTRELLA,
President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, NATO HQ, 7 November 2001.
- NATO Speech - 22 November 2001
- NATO and Russia: A Special Relationship - Speech by NATO Secretary
General, Lord Robertson, the Volgograd Technical University
- NATO Speech - 22 November 2001
- A New Quality in the NATO-Russia Relationship - Speech by
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Diplomatic Academy
- NATO Speech - 22 November 2001
- Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, Izvestia
Media Center, Moscow, Russian Federation
- NATO Speech - 23 November 2001
- Press Conference with NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov
- NATO Speech - 24 November 2001
- NATO and the Mediterranean - Presentation by the Deputy Secretary
General, Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, on the occasion of the
Mediterranean Dialogue International Research Seminar at the NATO Defense
College, Rome
- NATO Speech - 3 December 2001
- Statement by NATO Secretary General at the Belgian ATA, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 3 December 2001
- Presentation by NATO Deputy Secretary General Alessandro Minuto Rizzo
to the NATO Defense College Senior Course 99, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 4 December 2001
- "The TransAtlantic Community of Values facing New Challenges" -
Statement by the Secretary General at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung/Friend
of Europe Media Dinner-Roundtable, Brussels
Speeches and
declarations given during the Foreign
Ministers' Meeting
at NATO HQ, Brussels (6-7 December 2001) are available separately. |
- U.S.-Russia Bilateral - 17 December
- Joint Press Availability by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
and Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Ivanov in Brussels
Speeches and
declarations given during the Defence
Ministers' Meeting
at NATO HQ, Brussels (18-19 December 2001) are available separately. |