- 4 May 1998
- "A European Security and Defence Identity within NATO" -
Remarks by Mr Javier Solana, Secretary-General of NATO, at the NATO-WEU Colloquy on "The
European Security and Defence Identity" in Madrid, Spain.
- 11 May 1998
- Remarks by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana at the WEU
Ministerial in Rhodes
- 13 May 1998
- "NATO and European Security into the 21st Century" -
Speech by Dr. Javier Solana, Secretary General of NATO to the Oxford
University Union Society
- 17 May 1998
- Dinner Speech by the Secretary General At European Round Table Of
- 23 May 1998
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, at the Spring
Session of the North Alantic Assembly in Barcelona.
- 26 May 1998
- "An Overview of Alliance Military Issues" - Address by
General Klaus Naumann Chairman of the Military Committee to the North
Atlantic Assembly Plenary Session, Barcelona, Spain
- 28 May 1998
- Remarks to the Press by NATO Secretary General, Dr. Javier Solana
following the NAC Ministerial
- 28-29 May 1998
- Speeches by official national representatives at the meetings
of the North Atlantic Council (NAC), the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint
Council (PJC), the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) and the
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), at the Level of Foreign
Ministers. in Luxembourg.