Secretary General pays official visit to Jordan

  • 10 Jan. 2009 - 11 Jan. 2009
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  • Last updated: 24 Feb. 2009 14:21

On 10-11 January 2009 NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer paid an official visit to Jordan, in the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue.

NATO Secretary General H.E. Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah II

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah II

During the visit the Secretary General had bilateral talks with His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Prime Minister and Defence Minister H.E. Mr. Nader Dhahabi, the Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Dalaheddin Al-Bashir and the Chief of Defence Staff General Khaled Jamil Stayfah.

In addition to NATO-Jordan cooperation in the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue, the regional security situation was also discussed.

During a ceremony formally inaugurating the NATO Trust Fund with Jordan on 10 January the Secretary General remarked:” Not only will this project save lives but I also hope it will demonstrate clearly to the Jordanian people that NATO is a reliable security partner that can bring improvements for them”.

On 11 January 2009 the Secretary General of NATO delivered a speech at the Jordanian Defence College, where he said: “I am very pleased that during my time as Secretary General of NATO the NATO-Jordan relationship has gone from strength to strength. Jordan has built an excellent reputation as a country that it is not only willing, but also very able, to contribute to security in its own region and beyond”