On the
of the 50th
of the

17 Mar. 1998


by Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana

Secretary General Cutileiro,
Ministers, Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour to be here on this important occasion and to participate in this panel on the 50th anniversary of the Western European Union.

NATO and the WEU have shared a close and intertwined history over almost five decades. Both institutions have been inextricably linked since the Paris Agreements of 1954. But it is only in the last few years that our relationship has begun to mature into a real working relationship between two close and mutually supportive organisations.

Today, the vision of a European Security and Defence Identity is coming to life. And both the Western European Union and the Atlantic Alliance help us fulfil this long-standing ambition.

The 1996 Berlin Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council was a milestone in this regard. In Berlin, the Alliance decided to build a European Security and Defence Identity within NATO, in close cooperation with the WEU. From that point on, building ESDI within NATO became an essential part of the Alliance's internal adaptation.

This new momentum has enabled both NATO and the WEU to make substantial progress in their respective institutional evolution.

Today, both institutions are better equipped to take on new missions and new roles.

The WEU has made great strides in enhancing its operational capability to undertake peacekeeping and crisis management operations, called Petersberg's missions, and, by doing so, it has strengthened the European component of the Alliance.

In NATO, ESDI-related work is progressing well. In particular:

  • We have identified European command arrangements within NATO to prepare, support, command and conduct WEU-led operations using NATO assets and capabilities.

  • We are well-advanced in the implementation of the CJTF concept, which, through separable but not separate forces, will make our support a practical reality. This is not wishful thinking. Indeed, CJTF trials with WEU observers are now common practice. These days, for example NATO is - together with Partners - carrying out one of its largest exercises: Strong Resolve 98 which, in part, uses the CJTF approach. WEU observers have been invited to this trial in Spain and Portugal.

  • And we are considering in our defence planning process support for the conduct of WEU-led operations.

  • We have developed mechanisms for the identification, monitoring and return of NATO assets and capabilities for WEU-led operations.

  • We are undertaking military planning as well as exercises in the light of possible WEU missions.

  • And, most importantly, NATO and the WEU have established mechanisms for regular consultations.

  • We are developing a framework agreement for WEU-led operations that make use of NATO assets and capabilities.

In sum, we are well on the way to our goal: the development of practical ways by which NATO help build a European Security and Defence Identity. Just to cite a concrete example of the tangible results of our common work together: a joint exercise between NATO and the WEU is planned for the year 2000.

This achievement will underscore a fundamental truth. That in today's security environment, both organisations - NATO and the WEU - share the same strategic interest: enhancing security and stability throughout Europe.

Mesdames, Messieurs,

L'objectif de ces initiatives vise galement donner un souffle nouveau aux relations entre l'Amrique du Nord et l'Europe. L'Europe aujourd'hui doit renforcer son rle et la visibilit de ses actions comme acteur cl dans le domaine de la scurit. L'Europe doit devenir le partenaire dont les Etats-Unis ont besoin pour affronter les dfis d'un futur stable et en paix. En un mot, le lien transatlantique du vingt-et-unime sicle devra reflter cette nouvelle ralit.

C'est la raison pour laquelle l'approfondissement de la construction europenne est capital, non seulement pour l'identit mme de l'Europe, mais galement pour le renouvellement de la relation transatlantique.

Cet approfondissement est galement indispensable pour oprer au sein de l'Alliance Atlantique un rquilibrage des rles et des responsabilits entre l'Amrique du Nord et l'Europe. Ce rquilibrage, auquel les nations europennes aspirent, a le soutien de tous les allis. Il est un gage essentiel de la solidit et de la prennit du lien transatlantique.

C'est pourquoi, loin d'tre incompatibles, l'Identit Europenne de Scurit et de Dfense et la coopration transatlantique doivent aller de pair pour le plus grand intrt des deux partenaires.

Vous le savez, l'anne prochaine, comme l'UEO aujourd'hui, l'Alliance clbrera ses cinquante ans. Ce sera non seulement le moment de dresser le bilan d'un demi-sicle d'existence, mais surtout une excellente opportunit de nous tourner vers l'avenir.

A cette occasion, je suis convaincu que nous disposerons ensemble de tous les moyens pour assurer la scurit et la stabilit en Europe l'ore d'un sicle nouveau.

En effet, les alas de l'histoire au cours des cinquante dernires annes nous ont fait parfois quelque peu oublier nos objectifs initiaux. Profitons du nouvel environnement de scurit pour les remettre l'ordre du jour. Crons ensemble une Europe stable, libre et en paix pour le 21me sicle fonde sur des valeurs communes.

Toutes les institutions prsentes en Europe ont leur rle jouer pour relever ce dfi. Je ne vais pas toutes les citer ici. Mais je sais d'ores et dj que l'OTAN et l'UEO participent pleinement l'ouvrage. Et aujourd'hui, si j'ai un souhait formuler, c'est d'appeler de tous mes voeux la continuation de cette coopration fructueuse pour le futur.

Merci de votre attention.

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