A l'inauguration
du btiment
Manfred Wrner

7 avril 1998


du Secrtaire gnral, Dr. Javier Solana

Madame Wrner,

Messieurs les Ambassadeurs,

Mesdames et Messieurs,

De temps autre, on me demande de dire quel est l'lment le plus important de notre nouvelle Alliance. Je rponds immdiatement que c'est la prsence et la participation permanentes de nos Partenaires diffrents niveaux et dans diffrentes activits de l'Alliance.

Notre crmonie d'aujourd'hui en est la preuve. Nous inaugurons en effet un nouveau btiment du sige de l'Alliance destin aux pays partenaires - nos collgues au Conseil de partenariat euro-atlantique - et leurs missions respectives.

Tout d'abord, permettez-moi de dire un mot tous ceux qui, grce leurs efforts sans relche, ont rendu ce jour possible.

Mes remerciements vont en particulier au Bureau de l'administration gnrale et de la gestion et au Bureau de scurit de l'OTAN, qui ont accompli un magnifique travail en coordonnant ce projet avec les pays partenaires. Transformer et prparer en vue de son occupation un btiment de 4.000 mtres carrs dans un laps de temps trs court n'est pas tche aise. Bientt, ce btiment accueillera 21 dlgations de pays partenaires. Il abritera aussi, dsormais, plusieurs services de l'OTAN.

Et, le moment venu, y seront installs les bureaux du nouveau Centre euro-atlantique de coordination des ractions en cas de catastrophe, ainsi que ceux de l'Elment d'tat-major du Partenariat pour la paix l'Etat-major militaire international de l'OTAN.

Mais, au-del de ces ralisations matrielles considrables, je voudrais voquer brivement la signification politique de la crmonie d'aujourd'hui.

Depuis qu'en 1991, lorsque les pays allis et les pays partenaires ont cr le Conseil de coopration nord-atlantique, nous sommes unis par un destin commun. Nous sommes vritablement engags dans la construction d'une nouvelle communaut euro-atlantique o tous nos pays peuvent mettre en commun leurs contributions la paix et la stabilit sur ce continent. Ce btiment symbolise tout ce que les pays de l'OTAN et les pays partenaires ont accompli pour construire un Partenariat authentique.

Il a fallu, pour crer ce Partenariat, faire preuve d'une grande vision, d'nergie et de dtermination. A ce propos, je tiens rendre hommage la remarquable contribution apporte par l'un des hommes d'Etat les plus dous de notre temps : l'ancien Secrtaire gnral de l'Alliance, le regrett Manfred Wrner, dont ce btiment porte le nom.

Manfred Wrner inspired us with his insight and its enthusiasm. He recognised that, with the collapse of the Berlin Wall, an era ended and a new inclusive security order in Europe became possible.

He was, at heart and in his mind, a true believer in NATO. He recognised the Alliance's rich political potential. Under his guidance, the Alliance grasped the opportunity of change. He ably steered NATO into the wider role of promoting stability and security across the Euro-Atlantic area. He prepared the ground for the founding of the North Atlantic Coordination Council in 1991.

And at the 1994 Brussels Summit he launched the Partnership for Peace. His untimely death did not unfortunately, allow for him to see these projects come to full fruition. Imagine his satisfaction at what we have accomplished since then! The Partnership for Peace has become the flagship of our practical cooperation. It is the largest cooperative programme of its kind that Europe has ever seen. It is no exaggeration to say that Partnership for Peace is truly historic, a defining feature of the new security order in Europe.

Last year, with the enhancement of the Partnership and the establishment the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, we have moved further still, creating new opportunities for political consultations, for exploring new ways, new ideas, for extending and consolidating our common, cooperative approach to security.

But what would have wonderfully pleased Manfred Wrner is what we have done together in Bosnia with the Implementation Force and the Stabilisation Force. Each day Allies and Partners are working side by side to secure a lasting peace in a bloody, war-torn region.

At the Brussels Summit in January 1994, Manfred Wrner made an emotional appeal to Partner countries: "We shall not leave you alone. Your security is of direct and material concern to us."

This truth is as valid today, as it was four years ago. The only difference is that "your security" has been replaced by "our" security. We are all truly in a Partnership, and one that knows no bounds.

I am confident that these new premises which we inaugurate today will help enhance this development. It is therefore only fitting to name this building in the memory of Manfred Wrner.

And to Elfie Wrner. Let us provide the deep satisfaction to her that we will forge ahead - with the same determination and enthusiasm of her late husband - to build real security and stability throughout the Euro-Atlantic area. That should be our tribute to his memory.

Thank you.

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