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Foreign Ministers meetings

Meetings of
the North Atlantic Council (NAC),
the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC),
the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) and the
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC),
at the Level of Foreign Ministers.

Luxembourg, 28-29 May 1998

  1. Ministerial Communiqus
  2. Translations of communiqus in languages other than English and French.
  3. Speeches
  4. Press Releases
  5. Pictures

Ministerial Communiqués

M-NAC-1(98)59 - 28 May 1998
Final Communiqué of the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
M-NAC-1(98)59 - 28 mai 1998
Communiqué final de la réunion ministerielle du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord

M-NAC-1(98)60 - 28 May 1998
Statement on Bosnia and Herzegovina issued at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
M-NAC-1(98)60 - 28 mai 1998
Déclaration sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine diffusée à l'issue de la réunion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord

M-NAC-1(98)61 - 28 May 1998
Statement on Kosovo issued at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
M-NAC-1(98)61 - 28 mai 1998
Déclaration sur le Kosovo diffusée à l'issue de la réunion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord

Statement - 28 May 1998
Statement - NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Ministerial Level Luxembourg, 28 May 1998
Déclaration - 28 mai 1998
Déclaration - Réunion du Conseil Conjoint Permanent OTAN-Russie au niveau ministériel Luxembourg, 28 mai 1998

Statement - 28 May 1998
Statement on the Nuclear Tests of Pakistan and India
NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Ministerial Level
Déclaration - 28 mai 1998
Déclaration sur les essais nucléaires du Pakistan et de l'Inde
Reunion du Conseil Conjoint Permanent OTAN-Russie au niveau Ministeriel

(98)62 - 29 May 1998
Press Statement - NATO-Ukraine Commission Meeting at Ministerial Level Luxembourg, 29 May 1998
(98)62 - 29 mai 1998
Déclaration à la presse - Reunion de la Commission OTAN-Ukraine au niveau ministeriel Luxembourg, 29 mai 1998

(98)69 - 29 May 1998
NATO opens NATO/Partnership for Peace Cell in Albania

M-EAPC-1(98)63 - 29 May 1998
EAPC One-Year Anniversary - Press Statement by the Chairman
M-EAPC-1(98)63 - 29 mai 1998
Premier anniversaire du CPEA - Déclaration du President à la presse

Translations of communiqués in languages other than English and French.

Kommuniqué - 28 mai 1998
Kommuniqué - Ministertreffen des Nordatlantikrates am 28. Mai 1998 in Luxemburg

Kommuniqué - 28 mai 1998
Erklärung zu Bosnien und Herzegowina anläßlich des Ministertreffens des Nordatlantikrats

Kommuniqué - 28 mai 1998
Erklärung zum Kosovo anläßlich des Ministertreffens des Nordatlantikrats am 28.05.1998 in Luxemburg

Presseverlautbarung - 28 mai 1998
Erklärung anläßlich des Treffen des Ständigen NATO-Rußlands-Rats

Kommuniqué - 29 mai 1998
NATO-Ukraine-Kommission - Treffen auf Ministerebene in Luxemburg, 29. Mai 1998

Kommuniqué - 29 mai 1998
Presseerklärung durch den Vorsitzenden anläßlich des einjährigen Bestehens des Euro-Atlantischen Partnerschaftsrats (EAPR)


US Mission to NATO - 28 May 1998
Statement by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, at the North Atlantic Council.

NATO Speech - 28 May 1998
Remarks to the Press by NATO Secretary General, Dr. Javier Solana following the NAC Ministerial

Speech - 28 May 1998
Statement by UK Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook

Communiqué à la presse - 28 mai 1998
Essais nucléaires au Pakistan - Communiqué par le service de presse du ministère des affaires étrangères du Luxembourg

US Mission to NATO - 28 May 1998
Press Conference by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

US Mission to NATO - 28 May 1998
Statement on Kosovo by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council - 29 May 1998
  • Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel
  • Statement by H.E. Mr. Tofik Zulfugarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Presentation by First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Sergei Martynov
  • Remarks by the Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves
  • Statement by the Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs of Finland, Mr. Jaakko Blomberg
  • Presentation by Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Blagoj Handziski.
  • Address of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kassymzhomart Tokaev
  • Intervention of Mr. Maris Riekstins, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia
  • Statement by H.E. Mr. Nicolae Tabacaru, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova
  • Remarks by H.E. Bronislaw Geremek, Foreign Minister of Poland
  • Statement by H.E. Mr Andrei Gabriel Plesu Minister for Foreign Affairs of Romania.
  • Statement by Mr Flavio Cotti, President of the Swiss Confederation
  • Déclaration de M. Flavio Cotti, président de la Confédération suisse
  • Intervention du Ministre des Affaires étrangères de la République tchèque, M.Jaroslav Sedivy
  • Speech made by H.E. Jan Eliasson, State secretary of the Foreign Affairs of Sweden.

Press Releases

(98)38 - 8 April 1998
Foreign Ministers meetings, Luxembourg, 28-29 May 1998
(98)38 - 8 avril 1998
Réunions des ministres des Affaires étrangères, Luxembourg, les 28 et 29 mai 1998


26 May 1998
Images from Luxembourg
27 May 1998
Reception at Château Bourglinster
28 May 1998
NATO - U.S. Bi-lateral Meeting
28 May 1998
28 May 1998
Meeting of the NAC + 3 invitees (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) with family portrait.
28 May 1998
Reception at Grand-Ducal Palace
28 May 1998
Signing of NATO-Russia MOU and Press Conferences.
29 May 1998
Family Portrait EAPC & News Conference NATO-Ukraine

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