Ambassador Mark Sedwill

Вищий цивільний представник НАТО в Афганістані

  • Last updated 29-Jan-2010 14:31

NATO's Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan

Jan 2010 - NATO's Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan
2009 - 2010 British Ambassador to Afghanistan
2006 - 2008 International Director, UK Border Agency, FCO/Home Office
2005 FCO, Deputy Director, Middle East & North Africa
2003 - 2004 Pakistan, Deputy High Commissioner
2002 Middle East, British Government Spokesman
2000 - 2002 FCO, Private Secretary to Foreign Secretaries Robin Cook & Jack Straw
1999 - 2000 FCO, Europe and Middle East Press Officer
1997 - 1999 Cyprus, First Secretary Political-Military and Counter-Terrorism
1996 - 1997 Iraq, First Secretary and UN Weapons Inspector
1994 - 1996 FCO, Resource Management Group
1991 - 1994 Egypt, Second Secretary
1989 - 1991 FCO, Security Coordination Department & Gulf War Emergency Unit


Ambassador Sedwill is married with one daughter