Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN)
- English
- French
NATO bodies and reporting entities
Main finding reports
- IBAN Report on main findings from the 2021 Financial Statements Audits / PDF
- IBAN Report on main findings from the 2020 Financial Statements Audits / PDF
- IBAN Report on main findings from the 2019 Financial Statements Audits / PDF
- IBAN Report to Council – Main findings from the 2018 Financial Statements Audits / PDF
2022 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- NATO Helicopter Management Organization (NAHEMO) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation / PDF
- NATO Communications and Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation in Liquidation (NAGSMO i.L.) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- International Military Staff’s (IMS), NATO Defense College’s (NDC) and the Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- International Staff’s (IS), NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme’s (DCPS), NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF), Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center’s (MSIAC), NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme’s (NCPS), NATO Naval Forces Sensor and Weapons Accuracy Check Sites Office’s (NATO FORACS Office (NFO)) and Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic’s (DIANA) / PDF
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development Production and In Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO), NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency’s (NAPMA) and NATO EF2000 and Tornado Development Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) / PDF
2021 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation’s (NAGSMO), NATO Helicopter Management Organisation (NAHEMO), NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development Production and In Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO), NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency’s (NAPMA), NATO EF2000 and Tornado Development Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) and NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Management Organization in Liquidation (NAMEADSMO in Liquidation) / PDF
- NATO Communications and Information Organisation’s (NCIO) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- International Military Staff’s (IMS), NATO Defense College’s (NDC) and the Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- International Staff’s (IS), NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme’s (DCPS), NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF), Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center’s (MSIAC), NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme’s (NCPS) and NATO Naval Forces Sensor and Weapons Accuracy Check Sites Office’s (NATO FORACS Office (NFO) / PDF
2020 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) in Liquidation / PDF
- Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC), New NATO Headquarters (NNHQ), NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (NCPS), NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS), NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF), NATO FORACS Office (NFO) and NATO International Staff (IS) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO), NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) and NATO EF2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) and on the 2020 restated financial statements of NATO Helicopter Management Organisation (NAHEMO) / PDF
- NATO Communications and Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- International Military Staff (IMS) and NATO Defence College (NDC) and the Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
2019 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) in Liquidation / PDF
- Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS), NATO International Staff (IS), Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC), NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (NCPS), NATO FORACS Office (NFO), New NATO Headquarters (NNHQ) and NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- International Military Staff (IMS) and NATO Defense College (NDC) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO), NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH 90) Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO), NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) and NATO EF 2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) / PDF
- NATO Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organistation (NSPO) / PDF
2018 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO), Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO), NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) and NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) / PDF
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) and NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) / PDF
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS), NATO International Staff (IS), NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (NCPS), NATO FORACS Office (NFO), New NATO Headquarters (NNHQ), NATO Provident Fund (NPF), NATO Staff Centre (NSC) and NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) / PDF
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT), International Military Staff (IMS), NATO Defense College (NDC), and Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
2017 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- New NATO Headquarters / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO) / PDF
- NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH 90) Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO) / PDF
- NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) and NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- NATO's International Military Staff (IMS) & NATO Defense College (NDC) / PDF
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) & NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS), NATO Provident Fund (NPF) & NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) / PDF
- NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (NCPS) / PDF
- NATO Staff Centre / PDF
- Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre (MSIAC) /PDF
- NATO International Staff (IS) / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
2016 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- New NATO Headquarters / PDF
- NATO International Staff (IS) / PDF
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) / PDF
- NATO Communications and Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) / PDF
- NATO Provident Fund / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT), International Military Staff (IMS), NATO Defence College (NDC), Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO) and NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) / PDF
- NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) and NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) / PDF
- NATO Staff Centre / PDF
- NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme / PDF
- NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH 90) Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO) / PDF
2015 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- New NATO Headquarters / PDF
- International Staff (IS) / PDF
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) / PDF
- NATO Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) / PDF
- NATO Staff Centre / PDF
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) / PDF
- NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH 90) Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO) / PDF
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) / PDF
- NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) / PDF
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO) / PDF
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development, Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) / PDF
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) / PDF
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) / PDF
- NATO Defense College (NDC) / PDF
- NATO EF 2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) / PDF
- NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) / PDF
- NATO Provident Fund / PDF
- NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) / PDF
- NATO International Military Staff (IMS), NATO Standardisation Office (NSO), IMS Budget Group–Partnership for Peace (PfP), Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), and Other Military Cooperation (OMC) / PDF
2014 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- New NATO Headquarters (PDF/9Mb)
- NATO Staff Centre (PDF/2Mb)
- NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) (PDF/2Mb)
- NATO Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) (PDF/2.3Mb)
- International Staff (IS) (PDF/1.8Mb)
- IMS, NSA, IMS Budget Group – Partnership for Peace (PfP) and Other Military Cooperations (OMC) (PDF/1.4 Mb)
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) (PDF/1 Mb)
- NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) (PDF/1 Mb)
- NATO Naval Forces Sensor and Weapon Accuracy Check sites (NATO FORACS Office) (PDF/1.4 Mb)
- NATO Provident Fund (PDF/955 Kb)
- NATO EF 2000 and Tornado Development, Production and Logistics Management Agency (NETMA) (PDF/955 Kb)
- NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (PDF/2.6Mb)
- Retirees Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) (PDF/5Mb)
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) (PDF/5.8Mb)
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) (PDF/2Mb)
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO) (PDF/1Mb)
- NATO Defence College (NDC) (PDF/504Kb)
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) (PDF/2Mb)
- NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) (PDF/1Mb)
- Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre (MSIAC) (PDF/9.5Mb)
- NATO Multi-Role Combat Aircraft Development Production and In-Service Support Management Organisation (NAMMO) (PDF/1Mb)
- NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH 90) Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO) (PDF/2Mb)
2013 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- New NATO Headquarters (PDF/9Mb)
- NATO Support Organisation (NSPO) (PDF/1.7 Mb)
- NATO Staff Centre (PDF/2 Mb)
- IMS, NSA, IMS Budget Group – Partnership for Peace (PfP) and Other Military Cooperations (OMC) (PDF/1.8 Mb)
- NATO Helicopter for the 1990s (NH90) Design and Development, Production & Logistics Management Organisation (NAHEMO) (PDF/1 Mb)
- NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO) (PDF/7 Mb)
- NATO Defense College (PDF/964Mb)
- NATO Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) (PDF/7.43 Mb)
- NATO Provident Fund (PDF/4 Mb)
- NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Organisation (NAMEADSMO) (PDF/2 Mb)
- Retired Medical Claims Fund (RMCF) (PDF/5.9Mb)
- Allied Command Transformation (ACT) (PDF/3Mb)
- NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Organisation (NAGSMO) (PDF/2Mb)
- Allied Command Operations (ACO) (PDF/4Mb)
- NATO Coordinated Pension Scheme (PDF/1Mb)
- International Staff (IS) (PDF/2.2Mb)
- Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre (MSIAC) (PDF/7.9Mb)
- NATO Naval Forces Sensor and Weapon Accuracy Check sites (NATO FORACS Office) (PDF/10Mb)
- NATO Early Warning & Control Programme Management Agency (NAPMA) (PDF/2Mb)
- NATO Communications & Information Organisation (NCIO) (PDF/5Mb)
Non-NATO Bodies
2014 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
2013 Financial Audit Reports and Financial Statements
- NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PDF/4Mb)