• Last updated: 16 Dec. 2024 17:39

NATO’s 75th Anniversary

In 2024, NATO celebrates 75 years of collective defence.

Since its creation on 4 April 1949, the transatlantic Alliance has grown from 12 founding members to 32 member countries, all working together to keep our people safe. A community of Allies bound together by common values of democracy, individual liberty, human rights and the rule of law, NATO celebrates its anniversary on 4 April at NATO Headquarters in Brussels and at the summit on 9-11 July in Washington, D.C., where its founding treaty was signed. 

Discover NATO's past through the voices of those who witnessed historic moments first-hand. In podcast episodes, feature stories and a documentary, they share their unique perspectives on how NATO has evolved over more than seven decades – while maintaining its core mission of protecting its members from any threat. 

Stay tuned for the latest news and events, and follow #1NATO75Years on social media. 

#WeAreNATO – Staff tell their personal story about NATO

Meet Ambassador Csilla Würtz, who directed NATO summits in Wales and Warsaw

Meet Ambassador Csilla Würtz, who directed NATO summits in Wales and Warsaw

In 2013, Ambassador Csilla Würtz became the first Hungarian and first woman appointed as Secretary of the North Atlantic Council and other Council-level bodies. During her five years at NATO in the senior management, she ensured the smooth functioning of the Alliance’s principal decision-making body and was also in charge of planning and organising NATO summits in Wales in 2014 and Warsaw in 2016 as well as the first meeting of Heads of State and Government in the new NATO Headquarters in 2017.
Read the full story >>

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NATO Through Time podcast

Why were there 12 founding NATO members?
What is Article 5, and why was it only invoked once in all of NATO’s history?
Why wasn’t NATO dissolved like the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War ended?

The NATO Through Time podcast features diverse voices from NATO member countries – including former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign and Defence Ministers, military officers, NATO officials, historians, journalists and young citizens – answering these questions and reflecting on NATO’s past, present and future.

Digital Time Capsule

time capsule

] Throughout 2024, NATO’s Digital Time Capsule collected artefacts from the anniversary year which captured moments of the present and messages for the future. Content including written messages, artwork, photos and video was digitally sealed and preserved for future generations. Artefacts of the capsule will be unlocked gradually ahead of the Alliance’s 150th anniversary in 2099, with the first one coming out already in 2025.

Join us in preserving NATO’s legacy. Find out more and submit your contribution.

  What is NATO?

NATO is a political and military alliance of countries from Europe and North America. Its members are committed to protecting each other from any threat.



In 2024, NATO is celebrating its 75th anniversary. For more than seven decades, the Alliance has ensured the security of its members and adapted to address new challenges.