NATO’s Brand Identity Manual
The perception of NATO is directly reflected in the way we present the Organization within the Alliance and to our global audiences. Brand unity, coherence and consistency will contribute to increasing public awareness and understanding of NATO, help build familiarity and trust, and sustain high public support for the Organization.
The One NATO Brand Strategy guides and directs NATO staffs in creating a more coherent corporate identity. NATO entities may request the Strategy from the Brand Steering Board (contacts below).
The NATO Brand Identity Manual is a guide to the consistent application of the One NATO Brand approach across the most commonly used communications tools. It provides easy access to One NATO Brand compliant guidance, templates and other assets.
The NATO Brand Steering Board is accountable for the maintenance and enforcement of the One NATO Brand Strategy and the Brand Identity Manual.
Adherence to these guidelines throughout the Alliance as well as by our external project partners and service providers is overseen by the NATO Brand Steering Board, reporting to the Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy.
NATO Entities
NATO Brand Identity Manual & Questions about the NATO Brand
The full Brand Identity Manual is available to NATO communicators and personnel. For access to the Brand Identity Manual or for general inquiries about the NATO brand, please reach out to the relevant brand team at:
Design Assistance
For NATO entities seeking design or technical guidance on the use of NATO visual templates, or the Alliance logo in any context, please contact:
NATO HQ only - Stationery & Printed Items
For users at NATO HQ, all pre-printed stationery must be obtained from the NATO Graphics Studio via the STAR ordering system.
Non-NATO Entities and the NATO Brand
Third parties wishing to use the Alliance logo, name or emblems must seek and receive authorization in advance from NATO by emailing the NATO HQ brand team with a clear description of how and why they intend to use the asset, preferably accompanied by a visual mockup.
Third parties in an existing partnership or sponsorship/co-sponsorship relationship with NATO must contact their NATO project officer to vet the intended usage. After referring to the guidance in the NATO Brand Identity Manual for events organized in partnership with or sponsored by NATO, the NATO project officer may authorize the use of relevant sponsorship banners, disclaimers etc.
Official NATO visual asset files (logos, etc.) can be found in various formats here: Download logo in different formats.