At the meeting
of the EAPC
at the level
of Foreign

29 mai 1998

Statement by

the Under-Secretary of State
for Political Affairs of
Finland, Mr. Jaakko Blomberg

Confidence-building and conflict prevention in the Euro-Atlantic area

Mr. Secretary-General,

Confidence building and conflict prevention is rightly at the center of attention in many international fora. In spite of much experience gained, the international community is, nevertheless, in many cases likely to act only after a crisis has emerged.

Several international organizations have special expertise in dealing with confidence building and conflict prevention, most notably the UN in a global context and the OSCE in the Euro-Atlantic area. They are both well suited for this task, and we should be careful not to duplicate the work already done by them.

However, I see an important role for the EAPC in this area in two different ways:

Firstly, any conflict prevention begins with the opportunity to consider jointly potential crisis situations. The EAPC is already proving useful for exchanging views on various topical issues.

Secondly, the EAPC has considerable potential in the field of military confidence building and conflict prevention. Within the PfP, a variety of cooperative means is available. Moreover there is the possibility of deploying troops for crisis management purposes under NATO/EAPC auspices.

The modalities for Nato-led PfP-operations with partner participation need further clarification and consolidation within the EAPC framework. Finland looks forward to the setting up of the political-military framework in the near future. This framework will strengthen the ability of the whole Euro-Atlantic community to carry out PfP operations, including preventive action.

Mr. Secretary-General,

Finland participates in the international community's effort to stabilize the situation in South-Eastern Europe. Our contribution consists of the following:

The deployment of troops for IFOR and SFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as UNPREDEP in Macedonia. Making available personnel to the civilian police operations of the UN in Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia as well as to the MAPE operation of WEU in Albania.

Finland supports the decision taken by NATO on the SFOR follow-on Operation Joint Forge. We also consider it necessary to continue the mandate of UNPREDEP, which has for long, successfully, carried out its preventive role. Finland is preparing to continue its participation in both operations.

The situation in Kosovo is another test case for Euro-Atlantic confidence building and conflict prevention. A well-coordinated action by the international community is vital if the different means available to solve the conflict are to be used. Finland welcomes the measures adopted by NATO yesterday to help achieve a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Thank you Mr. Secretary General

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