Colonel Marc Assel

Military Representative – Luxembourg

  • Last updated: 22 Aug. 2016 14:49
Marc Assel, Military Representative of Luxembourg to NATO

Marc Assel was born in Ettelbruck (Luxembourg) on 16 March 1966.

He joined the Army in 1986. After graduating from the Royal Military Academy in Brussels in 1990, he completed his basic infantry officer training at the École d’application de l’infanterie in Montpellier, France. Subsequent military education included the Belgian infantry company commander course in 1994, the Diplôme d’état-major from the École d’état-major in Compiègne, France, in 1998 and the Brevet supérieur d'état-major (BEM) from the Institut Royal Supérieur de Défense in Laken, Belgium, in 2003.

From 1990-2003 he served as reconnaissance and anti-tank platoon leader, held various commands at company level, followed by different staff functions up to deputy commander of the Military Training Center in Diekirch (Luxembourg). During this period, he was also an inspector of the national arms control group. He participated in operations PROVIDE COMFORT in 1991, UNPROFOR in 1992 and in 1993, as platoon leader.

From 2003-2005 he was assigned as military advisor within the Luxembourg Representation to the European Union and was chairman of the EU Headline Goal Task Force (HTF) during the Luxembourg EU presidency in 2005.

From 2005-2011 he served in HQ EUROCORPS in Strasbourg, France, as Senior National Representative of Luxembourg and military assistant to the Chief of Staff. In 2010, he participated on a national assignment to the operation ATALANTA in the Combined Joint Operations branch of the EUNAVFOR Operational Headquarters in Northwood, United Kingdom.

From 2011-2014 he was head of the Communication and Information Systems branch of the Luxembourg General Staff. During this period, he was the representative of Luxembourg in the NATO C3 Board and in the NATO C&I Agency Supervisory Board.

Prior to his appointment as Military Representative, Colonel Assel was in charge of Strategic Planification to the Minister of Defense. His responsibilities included defense planning and major procurement strategies and programs. He acted as Chief of Transformation and National Armaments Director. He was also the representative of Luxembourg in the Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) Board of Directors.

He is fluent in English, French and German.

Colonel Assel is married and has a daughter and a son.