Secretary General welcomes NATO Parliamentary Assembly to NATO Headquarters

  • 17 Feb. 2020 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 17 Feb. 2020 16:31

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg chaired the annual meeting between the Standing Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NPA) and the North Atlantic Council on Monday (17 February 2020) in Brussels.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg meets with the Acting President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Attila Mesterházy

Welcoming the NPA members, the Secretary General said that the meeting shows the importance of NATO for parliamentarians, and the importance of parliamentary support to NATO in its work in keeping one billion people safe across Europe and North America. Reflecting on the successful NATO leaders’ meeting in London last December, Mr. Stoltenberg underlined the Alliance’s ability to adapt to changes in the international security environment as one of the key reasons for Alliance’s enduring success.

Ahead of the meeting, the Secretary General met with the Acting President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Attila Mesterhazy for an exchange of views. They discussed the work of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and ways to continue the successful cooperation between the two organizations.

The NPA brings together legislators from NATO Allies and associate countries to consider security related issues of common interest and concern. The annual joint meeting is part of the regular consultations between NATO and the NPA.