EADRCC consequence management field exercise “SRBIJA 2018”
The 18th EADRCC consequence management field exercise, called ''SRBIJA 2018”will be jointly organized by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) and the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia. The consequence management field exercise will be conducted from 8th to 11th October 2018 in and around Mladenovac, Serbia. The aim of the exercise is to improve interoperability in international disaster response operations.
The choice of an earthquake scenario is linked to the type of geological and environmental challenges faced by Serbia.
The scenario for this year’s EADRCC exercise “SRBIJA 2018” provides an opportunity to practice international cooperation and strengthen the ability of teams from different nations to work effectively together across a wide range of relief operations. These include urban search and rescue, medical/paramedical teams, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) protection, as well as decontamination teams and water rescue teams.
Contributions to the exercise will consist of emergency response teams as well as exercise planners and evaluators. Around half of the personnel involved in the exercise will be from the host country Serbia.
The Exercise Milestones are:
- Main Planning conference: 26th February to 1st March 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia
- Final Planning conference: 14th to 17th May 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia
- Exercise: 8th to 11th October 2018 in and around Mladenovac, Serbia
- Lessons learned conference: end January 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria