Updated joint declaration on UN-NATO secretariat cooperation

  • 30 Oct. 2018 -
  • |
  • Mis à jour le: 02 Nov. 2018 12:35

The Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ten years following the first joint declaration, and welcoming over two decades of cooperation between the United Nations and NATO in support of the work of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security, reaffirming their commitment for expanded consultation and cooperation between their respective Secretariats, have committed to the following:

  1. We, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, reaffirm our commitment to the maintenance of international peace and security in line with the United Nations Charter.
  2. Our shared experiences have demonstrated the value of effective and efficient coordination between our organizations. We have developed operational cooperation in peacekeeping in the Balkans and Afghanistan, consistent with our respective mandates, where UN-authorized, NATO-led operations work alongside UN peace operations. Cooperation and coordination remain vital wherever UN and NATO personnel are simultaneously deployed.
  3. Over the past decade, we have significantly expanded our institutional cooperation and dialogue to cover a broad range of topics of common concern. With a dramatically changing global security environment, we recognize that further cooperation will significantly enhance our ability to address the threats and challenges upon which the international community is called to respond. Mindful that the prevention and resolution of conflicts not only saves lives but represents a more efficient use of resources, the UN and NATO will continue to work together to help national authorities to strengthen their capacities to address emerging crises.
  4. We underscore the importance of our established framework for consultation and cooperation, including, as appropriate, through regular exchanges and dialogue at senior and working levels on political and operational issues. Support to UN peace operations, as pledged by the NATO Secretary General at the 2015 Leaders’ Summit on Peacekeeping, has become an essential part of our cooperation and will be further guided through the UN Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative.
  5. Understanding that this framework should remain flexible and evolve over time, we have decided to further develop the cooperation on issues of common interest, fully in line with our respective mandates and the ongoing adaptation and reform processes taking place in both organisations. These will include, but are not limited to, countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices; training and preparedness; capacity building and defence sector reform; the protection of civilians; advancing the Women, Peace and Security, Youth, Peace and Security and the Children and Armed Conflict agendas; countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism; lessons learned, planning and support for contingencies; cyber defence; and operational coordination and support.
  6. Our cooperation will continue to be guided by the United Nations Charter and the norms and shared values it embodies. Our cooperation will also continue to develop in a practical fashion, taking into account each organization’s specific mandate, expertise, procedures and capabilities, so as to contribute to improving international coordination in response to global challenges.