NATO Permanent Representatives
Each member nation is represented on the North Atlantic Council by an Ambassador or Permanent Representative supported by a national delegation composed of advisers and officials who represent their country on different NATO committees.
- English
- Russian
Albania Ilir Gjoni
Belgium Ariadne Petridis
Bulgaria Nikolay Milkov
Canada Heidi Hulan
Croatia Mario Nobilo
Czechia David Konecký
Denmark Kasper Høeg-Jensen
Estonia Jüri Luik
Finland Piritta Asunmaa
France David Cvach
Germany Géza Andreas von Geyr
Hungary István Balogh
Iceland Jörundur Valtýsson
Italy Marco Peronaci
Latvia Māris Riekstiņš
Lithuania Deividas Matulionis
Luxembourg Stephan Frédéric Müller
Montenegro Valentina Knezevic Tomic
Netherlands Thijs van der Plas
North Macedonia Ismail Ebipi
Norway Anita Nergaard
Portugal Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro
Romania Dan Neculăescu
Slovakia Marek Varga
Slovenia Andrej Benedejčič
Spain Federico Torres Muro
Sweden Jan Knutsson
Türkiye Zeki Levent Gümrükçü
United Kingdom Ingrid Southworth
United States Scott M. Oudkirk (Chargé d'affaires)