Ambassador Jakub Landovský

Permanent Representative – Czechia

  • Last updated: 03 Oct. 2022 11:20

Jakub Landovský was born on 5 September 1976 in Prague. His father was an actor and dissident banished from the country after signing Charter 77. Family was divided by the Iron curtain until democratic changes of 1989.

Mr. Landovský has a degree in in law and political science. After Fulbright scholarship he obtained Ph.D. in defending his Thesis on Water Conflict and Cooperation. He still teaches at Charles University focusing on matters of Public International Law and International organizations. After mandatory legal practice and admission to the Czech Bar Association he worked in the service of the Czech Republic including:

2015 – 2019    Deputy Minister of Defence, Head of the Defence policy and Strategy DivisionMinistry of Defence (MOD)

2015                Vice-minister of Defence Ministry of Defence; assuming duties of the Minister of Defence especially in Parliament and Government

2014 – 2015    Advisor to Deputy Minister of Defence Ministry of Defence, Legislation and Public Diplomacy Division; responsible for drafting of a complete package of defence legislation amendments

2007 – 2010    Adviser to the Foreign Affairs CommitteeParliament of the Czech Republic Chamber of Deputies; foreign policy analysis and facilitation of the legislative process

2000 – 2002    Assistant to UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Former Republic Yugoslavia

2000 – 2004    Assistant to the Ambassador at large Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

As a Deputy Minister Mr. Landovský was responsible for long-term conceptual development of the national defence sector and planning cycle of the Ministry of Defence between years 2015-2019. He prepared National Defence Strategy 2017 and chaired bilateral meetings on NATO capability targets for the Czech Republic and supervised several NATO Crisis Management Exercises. He negotiated mandates for the Czech soldiers in foreign missions and readiness initiatives and represented Minister of Defence at government sessions as well as the EU and NATO ministerial meetings. In a previous year he was charged with cooperation with and support of Czech defence industry.

Mr. Landovský is married and has three children.