New NATO Trust Fund signed with Jordan

  • 19 Nov. 2009 -
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  • Last updated: 23 Nov. 2009 10:21

On 19 November 2009, Italy and Jordan launched the implementation phase of a new NATO Partnership for Peace/Mediterranean Dialogue Trust Fund which falls under the responsibility of the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) and has Italy as the leading nation.

Building upon the experience gained and the achievements accomplished through the existing Trust Fund for Jordan for the elimination of explosive remnants of war and for ammunition stockpile management, this new project establishes two initiatives.

The first initiative is funding a mine and explosive remnants of war education programme to be conducted by the Jordanian National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation in the three provinces of Ajloun, Jerash and Zarqa. The second involves purchasing, installing and commissioning equipment for the newly built ammunition demilitarisation facility in Zarqa, as well as providing technical and managerial training where required.

The Permanent Representative of Italy to the North Atlantic Council signed the Executive Agent Agreement with the General Manager of NAMSA during a ceremony at NATO Headquarters, in the presence of the NATO Deputy Secretary General and the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

During the signing ceremony NATO’s Deputy Secretary General Amb. Claudio Bisogniero said that this event "will mark the continuity of a new and innovative kind of cooperation, where civilian and military expertises are combined in the contribution to the security and safety of the civilian population whilst enhancing the operational and technical capacity of the Jordanian Armed Forces.”

He added that “because of this practical focus aimed at concrete results, this Trust Fund project should help to build confidence between us and demonstrate to the Jordanian public the merits of working together with the Alliance in the context of our Mediterranean Dialogue.”

Ambassador of Jordan H.E. Dr. Ahmad Masa'deh declared that this project "is by itself a solid proof of the seriousness, credibility, and commitment that Jordan upholds in its partnership and cooperative relationship with NATO: it is also a solid proof of commitment and desire within NATO members to further improve this cooperation and partnership with Jordan."