NATO Secretary General in Afghanistan to mark NATO’s commitment beyond 2014

  • 06 Nov. 2014 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 06 Nov. 2014 11:25

The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is visiting Afghanistan to take stock of the progress made during the thirteen-year ISAF mission, which will be completed at the end of the year, to thank international and Afghan troops, and to reaffirm NATO’s continued engagement, including through the launch of the new mission Resolute Support on January 1.

Today (6 November), the Secretary General witnessed the growing capability of the Afghan commando units at the Afghan National Army Special Operations Command at Camp Morehead in Kabul.

I have seen a highly trained, experienced and professional force,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. "For over a year, Afghan soldiers and police have led security operations across the country, and at the end of this year, you will take full charge of security. But you will not stand alone. NATO and our partners will continue to support you."

The 10,500-strong command is part of the 350,000-strong Afghan National Security Forces, which ISAF has helped to build up. As part of the security transition agreed with Afghan leaders, Afghan soldiers and police have led security operations across the country since June 2013 and will assume full responsibility for security as of 1 January 2015.

During his trip, the Secretary General will meet with President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah to discuss NATO’s continued commitment to Afghanistan after 2014. He has also met with General John Campbell, Commander of ISAF and other senior ISAF officers, NATO Senior Civilian Representative Ambassador Maurits Jochems and other representatives of the Kabul diplomatic corps.