Informal meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Prague Czechia

  • 30 May. 2024 - 31 May. 2024
  • |
  • Last updated: 31 May. 2024 14:21
  • 07:45

    Doorstep statement by the NATO Secretary General

    • Available live on the NATO website, on CCTV, Host TV feed, EBU Worldfeed, to EBU news exchange, as well as on X @NATOPress and NATO News on YouTube, and afterwards on for download EnglishRussianUkrainian Photos Video English
  • 08:00

    Doorstep by the Czech Foreign Minister Lipavský

    • Available live on the NATO website, on CCTV, Host TV feed, EBU Worldfeed, to EBU news exchange, as well as on socials of the Czech MFA. Photos
  • 08:00

    Foreign Ministers’ arrivals and doorstep statements

    • Available live on the NATO website, on CCTV, EBU Worldfeed, to EBU news exchange, and afterwards on
  • 09:10

    NATO Secretary General meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of France

  • 09:20

    Short statements by the NATO Secretary General and the US State Secretary

  • 09:30

    Informal Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Foreign Ministers’ Session

    • Public opening remarks by the Secretary General and Welcome remarks by the Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic In the media centre live on the NATO website, on CCTV, Host TV feed, EBU Worldfeed and to EBU news exchange, and afterwards on Video, photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO website
      English Photos Video EnglishFrenchRussianUkrainian
  • 13:25

    Press conference by the NATO Secretary General

    • In the media centre live in multiple languages on the NATO website, on CCTV, Host TV feed, EBU Worldfeed, to EBU news exchange, as well as on X @NATOPress and NATO News on YouTube, and afterwards on for download. Photos and transcript will be available afterwards on the NATO Website.
      English Photos Video EnglishFrenchUkrainianRussian
  • 14:30

    Joint press statements by the Secretary General and the Czech Prime Minister

  • 15:00

    Keynote speech by the Secretary General at the Conference "75 Years of NATO: How to keep in on track?" hosted by the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

  • 15:35

    Bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

  • 16:30

    Ceremony for the State Decoration presented to the Secretary General by the President of the Czech Republic

    • The recorded video will be available in the Media Centre. Photos
  • 17:00

    Arrival of Foreign Ministers at Prague Castle

    • No pool coverage. Host TV feed and CCTV coverage only.
  • 17:35

    Official Photo of the NATO Heads of Delegations with the President of the Czech Republic

    • No pool coverage. Host TV feed and CCTV coverage only. Photos