Can I apply, if my country is not a NATO member state?
No, only nationals of NATO member states can apply for any NATO vacancy, including the Young Professionals Programme.
I have more than one nationality. Can I still apply?
Yes, you can. However, you can apply only under one nationality. You will be required to indicate your NATO nationality under the 'Personal Information' section of the application form.
I have less than one year of professional work experience. Can I still apply?
No. Only individuals with at least one year of work experience may apply for the YPP. If you do not meet the criteria of the YPP at the time of application, we advise you to look into the NATO Internship Programme or revisit the YPP in the future.
I will graduate only after the application period is over. Can I still apply?
No. In order to be eligible for the YPP, you must meet all criteria by the application deadline. In case you do not meet the criteria, we invite you to revisit the YPP in the future.
I will turn 21 after the application deadline. Can I apply?
No. In order to be eligible for the YPP, you must meet all criteria by the application deadline. If you do not meet the criteria at that time, we invite you to revisit the YPP in the future.
Application process
The website says that the call for applications is now closed. When can I expect the new call to be published so that I can apply for the YPP?
We invite you to regularly check the page and follow NATO on LinkedIn to make sure you do not miss any updates about the YPP.
We aim to publish calls to apply for the NATO YPP on a regular basis, usually within the first half of the year. However, this is subject to change depending on organisational needs and priorities.
I do not have an English or French version of my diploma. What should I do?
Nearly all universities issue an English version of the awarded diploma. If this is not the case for you, please submit a copy of your diploma translated into English or French. You will be required to present the original document in case you will be selected.
Will my application be screened?
Yes, all applications will be screened with the help of the pre-screening questions focusing on the eligibility criteria. Please make sure that you fulfill all of the criteria before you apply and note that all replies to the pre-screening questions will be vetted.
Can I apply for other NATO jobs other than the YPP?
Yes, you can apply to other NATO jobs, in case you fulfill the eligibility criteria.
Can I apply for more than one NATO YPP position?
Yes, you can apply for multiple YPP positions if you meet the eligibility criteria and if the positions are aligned with your profile and aspirations.
I submitted my application a month ago and have not received an answer. When will you respond?
The application assessment period commences after the application deadline. We respond to applicants in the months following the application deadline. We cannot provide an exact timeline. As soon as a decision is taken, positive or negative, you will receive an automatic email. Due to the high number of applications, we do not provide personal feedback.
Do I need to be an expert in the area to apply?
No, you do not need to be an expert. Although you must have at least one year of professional work experience at the time of application, we are looking for highly skilled Young Professionals from all backgrounds who fulfill the eligibility criteria and have the potential to grow and develop.
Do I need to have a military background to apply?
No. NATO is a political and military alliance, employing both civilian and military personnel. The Young Professionals Programme accepts both civilian and military candidates who fulfill the necessary criteria.
Some important topics for NATO, such as capability development, are not included as work areas. Why is that?
The YPP intends to be an inclusive and diverse programme that will onboard young professionals with a diversity of backgrounds. These young professionals may be highly qualified to deliver on certain topics but are not necessarily aware of the terminology used by NATO to describe them. This is why all work areas have been defined in a way that is understandable to a wide pool of candidates.
Why are some of the functional areas not covered in this call for applications?
The functional areas covered in each call for applications vary from cycle to cycle and are determined based on the needs of the Organization.
Selection process
Where will the YPP selection process happen?
The whole selection process will take place online. You will not be asked to travel or attend any of the selection stages or an interview in person.
How long does the selection process take?
The selection process takes approximately six months from the launch of the application call until the final nomination of the selected candidates.
How can I prepare for the different stages of the selection process?
Please consult our dedicated webpage offering application tips for candidates. If after the initial assessment you are invited to the next stage of the selection process, we will send all necessary information regarding the preparation before the next stage takes place.
What does the game-based assessment consist of?
We use game-based assessments to evaluate the cognitive ability and personality of a candidate. The game-based assessments utilise different styles and types of games designed to highlight a candidate’s skills, abilities and potential for success in specific jobs. The assessments are game-like in nature as candidates move up and down levels and interact with a colourful array of options while they solve problems, complete puzzles and quizzes, and answer text-based challenges that measure their skills and competencies. Personality assessments are questionnaires that attempt to measure traits, or the ways in which one person differs from another. They are a popular method of assessing people’s preferences, behavioural styles, interests and motivations.
What is an “asynchronous” interview and how does it differ from the online interview?
An asynchronous interview is a pre-recorded interview. You will be given a specific amount of time to read and answer interview questions while being recorded. The recorded answers are subsequently reviewed and scored by the evaluators. The online interview happens in real time (live) with the participation of a panel, whereby you receive and answer questions from the various panel members.
What does the online written test consist of?
The online written test varies depending on the specific position and it contains questions relevant to the functions of the post. The written test aims to evaluate your drafting skills and/or technical knowledge of the subject matter.
I completed the games-based assessment and/or an asynchronous interview a month ago, and have not received an answer. When will I hear back?
As soon as a decision, positive or negative, has been made, you will receive an email. Due to a high number of applications, we cannot provide personal feedback.
Successful candidates
Can I choose the NATO bodies or the geographical locations where I would like to work?
No. Based on the priorities and needs of the Organization and to best enable your professional and personal growth, the Rotation Paths (including the specific NATO bodies and their location) for each work area are pre-determined. At the time of application, candidates can see the different duty locations for the work area to which they are applying.
How can I know the placement locations?
The placement locations are indicated in the vacancy notices. Please refer to these documents or to your application to know the sequence of your duty locations.
When can I expect to start if selected for the NATO Young Professionals Programme?
Once the selection process is concluded, successful candidates will be informed about the start date and onboarding process. Young Professionals usually begin their first rotation approximately one year after applying.
What is a security clearance and why do I need one?
To be able to work at NATO and handle classified information, you need a security clearance issued by your country of nationality. If you are selected for a position, we will initiate the process for obtaining a security clearance on your behalf.
Do I need a visa or residence permit to start working in the countries of assignment?
Yes. Depending on your nationality and the area of assignment, you may require a visa or work permit. These details will be discussed with you if you are selected for the YPP.
Employment at NATO
What are my chances of employment after the three-year rotation cycle?
Participants who have successfully completed the three-year rotation cycle with the YPP, may be appointed to one NATO body at one location for an additional period of three years at NATO Grade G15. This additional three-year period allows the Young Professional to become specialised in a critical functional area and to develop their competencies in depth. Please note that the appointment is not automatic and will be based on business needs and individual performance.
What are my chances of employment at NATO after the NATO YPP?
YPP placements are not linked to any further employment contract with NATO. To be employed in a different capacity, you will need to apply for a position and undergo a merit-based and competitive recruitment process.