Updated: 14-Jan-2004 11:05 NATO Summit Meetings


Summit Meeting of NATO and Russia

at the level of Heads of State and Government

Rome, Italy, 28 May 2002

  • Background info
  • Eng. Fr. Rus.

  • Press Releases
  • Summit Programme
    Who's who?
  • Heads of State
  • Heads of Government
  • Perm. Represent.
  • Secretary General
    This publication was prepared to mark the significance of the Rome Summit. It is a compilation of the speeches delivered and the text of the Rome Declaration itself.
    Press Releases
    NATO Press Release (2002)058 - 8 May 2002
    Summit Meeting of NATO and Russia at the level of Heads of State and Government Rome, Italy, 28 May 2002 - Media Advisory
    OTAN Communiqu de presse (2002)058 - 8 mai 2002
    Runion au Sommet de l'OTAN et de la Russie au niveau des Chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement Rome (Italie) 28 mai 2002 - Note à la presse

    Summit Programme - Media Advisory
    (hosted on the website of the Italian government)
    Programme du Sommet - Note à la presse
    (hébergé sur le site du gouvernement italian)
    Official Documents
    27 May 2002
    Arrival NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson Photos  
    28 May 2002
    Arrival of the Heads of State and Government Photos  
    Meet & Greet of Heads of State and Government prior to the NATO-Russia Council Photos  
    NATO-US Bilateral Meeting Photos  
    NATO-Russia Bilateral Meeting Photos  
    Meeting of the NATO-Russia Council
    1. Welcoming remarks by Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy
    2. Remarks by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (in russian)
    3. Statement by US President, George W. Bush
    4. Statement by Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic
    5. Intervention de Monsieur Jacques Chirac, Prsident de la France
    6. Statement by Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of Poland
    7. Statement by Ahmet Necdet Sezer, President of Turkey
    8. Statement by Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the UK
    9. Statement by José Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain
    10. Statement by Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada
    11. Statement by Gerhardt Schröder, Federal Chancellor of Germany (in German)
    12. Statement by David Oddson, Prime Minister of Iceland
    13. Statement by Wim Kok, Prime Minister of the Netherlands
    14. Statement by Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg
    15. Speech by Mr. Costas Simitis, President of Greece (in Greek)
    16. Statement by Guy Verhofstadt, Prime Minister of Belgium
    17. Statement by Kjell Magne Bondevik, Prime Minister of Norway
    18. Statement by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark
    19. Statement by José Manuel Durão Barroso, Prime Minister of Portugal
    20. Statement by Peter Medgyessy, Prime Minister of Hungary (.pdf/107Kb)
    21. Closing Remarks by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson
    a (.MP3/2.901kb)
    b (.MP3/2.857kb)
    c (.MP3/1.192kb)
    d (.MP3/1.341kb)
    e (.MP3/1.593kb)
    f (.MP3/1.791kb)
    g (.MP3/2.317kb)
    h (.MP3/1.043kb)
    i (.MP3/1.104kb)
    j (.MP3/1.526kb)
    k (.MP3/1.043kb)
    l (.MP3/926kb)
    m (.MP3/1.001kb)
    n (.MP3/1.374kb)
    o (.MP3/1.552kb)
    p (.MP3/1.700kb)
    q (.MP3/1.578kb)
    r (.MP3/1.431kb)
    s (.MP3/1.030kb)
    t (.MP3/1.587kb)
    u (.MP3/415kb)
    Family Portrait Photos  

    Press Conferences







    Statement to the press by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson  


    Statement to the press by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

    (original version)

    (with interpretation)

    Statement to the press by Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy (.MP3/2.165kb)
    (original version)
    (with interpretation)
    Questions and Answers (.MP3/415kb)
    (original version)
    (with interpretation)

    Press Briefing by US Secretary of State, Colin Powell

    Confrence de presse de M. Jacques Chirac, Prsident de la Rpublique franaise


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