Updated: 28-May-2002 NATO Speeches

28 May 2002


of President of the Republic of Poland
Aleksander Kwasniewski
at the Summit Meeting NATO - Russia in Rome

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When thirteen years ago I participated in the Warsaw Round Table discussions nobody from us expected that road would take us today to Rome. Neither then nor at the time of the Berlin wall collapse, and the Fall of the Peoples flourishing in Central and Eastern Europe. Even boldest visionaries could not foresee the meeting that is taking place now. Today there is no communism in Europe, no Warsaw Pact, no balance of fear. We, Poles, have a great satisfaction that the cause of the construction of better, united and secure Europe of free people began in Poland and has achieved the present phase here, in Rome.

NATO and Russia, already back in 1997, established co-operation and structures to facilitate regular consultations. Much had to happen afterward, more exams on international solidarity in the face of new threats had to be passed.

The 11th of September 2001 made the world redefine its security priorities and effective defence methods. Russia has strongly defined herself. As a participant in the anti-terrorist coalition she helped to successfully complete the first phase of the Afghan war, give the world hope and conviction that all of us are determined and united in this difficult struggle.

Today, at this table we are having heads of state and government of the Alliance and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Under your leadership, Mr President, Russia has made the choice of this route and has got closer to the Alliance. The new NATO-Russia Council is yet another important step in mutual relations. It is my satisfaction as the President of the Republic of Poland, a NATO member since 1999 and Russia's neighbour for centuries that we have made our contribution in the construction of good relations, and that the doubts about these relations after Poland's accession to the Alliance, expressed in the past, have not proved right.

It is a desire of Poland that NATO and Russia, by concrete actions and joint decisions, are more and more responsible for peace and stability in the world. The Council will be a success story as long as its existence is filled with substance and mutual trust. However, we need for that the conviction of the Russian citizens that NATO is not an old enemy or rival, but a trustworthy and necessary partner. We are looking forward to this effort taken up by Russian authorities. NATO-Russia rapprochement must not be a sole decision of elites, it must take place in the minds of people.

We are facing other important decisions. In the result of wise and far-sighted policy the North Atlantic Alliance will make a decision on NATO enlargement during the November summit meeting in Prague. Strengthening of the Alliance by new members is part of its evolution and maintaining the role of security guarantor. Especially that the candidate countries already now are not only the consumers of security but make their contribution to the security, as in the Balkans or in Afghanistan.

This process will be favourable for the stability in the continent, will mitigate potential tensions between individual countries, will be conducive for blurring of old divisions. It reinforces the sense of freedom and transparency of democratic procedures. I appreciate the fact that Russia is also aware of the benefits and new opportunities resulting from NATO enlargement and cooperation with Ukraine. Poland is certain the Alliance that will preserve its functions, structure and effectiveness will remain the guarantor of the US military presence in Europe, is the guarantee of the security of Europe. And security is the guarantee of Europe's unity.

Today, from Italy, we are sending an optimistic signal to the world. Joined by responsibility and determination to co-operate - NATO and Russia

  • at one table,
  • on equal footing,
  • in the interest of Europe and the world.

Thank you for your attention.

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