Meeting of NATO and Russia
the level of Heads of State and Government
Italy, 28 May 2002
A Summit meeting of NATO and Russia at the level of Heads of
State and Government will be held in Rome on 28 May 2002 .
The meeting will take place at the Pratica di Mare Air Force
Base. The Media Centre will be also be located on the base.
Accreditation and Security Checks
All media representatives and their supporting staff must be
properly accredited with specific accredition badges.
Applications for accreditation should be made by post, using
the attached official application form also available at the
Press and Information Office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (tel : +39 06 36 91 3432, +39 06 36 91 85 73 ; fax :
+39 06 36 91 21 22) and on following Internet web site
One passport photograph must be included with the application.
Please note the following :
- Italian media representatives: accreditation forms
must be accompanied by a letter of authorization from the
head of the media organization represented ;
- International media not permanently accredited with the
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: accreditation forms
must be sent through the Embassy in Rome of the media organization's
home country ;
- International media representatives permanently accredited
with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs : accreditation
forms may be submitted directly to the Press and Information
Office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ;
- International media representatives permanently accredited
with NATO : accreditation forms may be submitted directly
to the Press and Information Office of the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs.
On-line registration : It is possible to register on-line
by completing and submitting the interactive form available
on the
web site ; digital photographs can be attached.
On-line registration alone does not entitle media representatives
to accreditation. Once application forms have been completed
and submitted on-line, a hard copy must still be printed and
returned , applying the procedure indicated above. On-line registration
coupled with the sending of the hard copy documents guarantees
a more accurate processing of the data, avoiding possible errors
and delays and making it possible to check and issue accreditation
badges more rapidly.
It is therefore strongly recommended that media representatives
register on-line, before sending hard copies of the documents
required for accreditation.
The required documents accompanied by one passport-size
photograph must be returned by 18 May, 2002, to the following
address :
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Servizio Stampa e Informazione
Ufficio Accreditamento Stampa (Accreditation Office)
P.le della Farnesina, 1
00194 Roma
Tel : +39 06 36 91 34 32
+39 06 36 91 85 73
Fax : +39 06 36 91 21 22
E-mail :
Please note that accreditation forms without passport photographs
will not be accepted.
Press passes will be available for collection upon presentation
of photographic proof of identity at the following addresses
From 23 to 25 May, in Rome
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Ufficio Accreditamento Stampa (Accreditation Office)
Opening hours : 23-24 May : 09:00 - 18:00 hours
25 May : 09:00 - 13:00 hours
From 26 to 28 May, in Borgo di Pratica di Mare :
Ufficio Accreditamento Stampa (Accreditation Office)
Opening hours : 26 May : 13:00 - 19:00 hours
27 May : 08:00 - 24:00 hours
28 May : 06:00 - 15:00 hours
On-site production of accreditation badges will not be available
on 28 May.
Security Check
An ID card or passport and a press card (or letter of accreditation
from a recognized media organization) should be presented and
must be shown at any time upon request of security personnel.
All media representatives are informed that security personnel
at the Media Centre will examine and may test any equipment
and personal effects carried onto the site.
To avoid delays, media representatives are requested to arrive
with sufficient time to clear the security checks. Television
or radio broadcasters, wire services, and photo agencies with
bulky equipment are particularly urged to move most of it into
the Media Centre as early as possible.
Parking will not be authorized near the Air Base in Pratica
di Mare or near the Accreditation Office in Borgo di Pratica
di Mare. Media representatives are advised that it will not
be possible to use their own means of transportation to reach
the sites. A shuttle bus service will operate from Fiumicino
Airport and from Rome, EUR, Piazzale dello Sport, where parking
space will be available for private vehicles.
A timetable for the shutte bus service is attached to this
Media representatives may need a visa to enter Italy. They
are advised to check with the nearest Italian diplomatic mission.
Media representatives are advised to book their hotel rooms
as soon as possible through:
Mr. Silvano Salari
AMEROPA s.r.l.
Tel: +39 06 488 55 23
Fax: +39 06 474 34 21
Radio and Television
Eurovision News Operations, in co-operation with Host Broadcaster
IT/RAI, will install and operate comprehensive broadcast facilities
inside the military base at Pratica di Mare for services during
the Summit.
Requests should be addressed to:
Radio: |
Eurovision News Services
Tel: + 41 22 71 72 840
Fax: +41 22 74 74 840
E-mail: |
Ms. Arlette Dumiont
Head, Radio News and Sports
EBU Radio
Tel: +44 22 71 72 603
E-mail: |
Elena Pinardi
Eurovision News
EBU Rome
Via della Conciliazone, 44
Tel: +39 06 68 19 30 24
Fax: +39 06 68 19 20 50
General Enquiries
Ms. Emanuela Bruni
Summit Meeting Press and Media Co-ordinator
Servizio Stampa
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Tel: +39 06 67 79 3564
Fax: +39 06 67 79 3836
Mr François Le Blévennec (Prior to 23 May)
NATO Press and Media Service
B-1110 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 38
Fax : +32 (0)2 707 50 57
Further information regarding the Summit will be made available