Manuel Durao Barroso,
Prime Minister of Portugal
Thank you, Secretary General and thank you Prime Minister Berlusconi,
dear Silvio, for hosting this meeting. Thank you also for your
lesson of classical history. History is something we should
keep in mind because we believe that today we are writing the
history of the future.
We are happy to have Russia as our neighbour at this table.
Portugal, the most westerly of the continental European countries
also gains this way a new geographic proximity with Russia.
And let me tell you President Putin, that somewhere between
Portugal and Spain is a very convenient place to be.
In fact we are now following what President Putin has once
called "the logic of common interests". And we hope
that we are not only speaking of common interests but also of
common values.
Acting together is the best way to respond to the new - and
some old - challenges NATO and Russian are facing. Terrorism
has no boundaries as the tragic events of September 11 have
shown to all of us. The same could be said about organized crime
and trafficking of drugs and human beings. Curbing regional
conflicts and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
are also key areas where Russia and NATO should act jointly.
The past is not a bad witness. Therefore, coordinated action
against common evils will certainly benefit from the energy,
determination and endurance that have been features of the Russian
history. We have no time to lose. We must inject substance to
our new structures of cooperation. Above all, we must spread
the habit of working together at all levels, applying fully
the principles of trust and transparency.
Mr. Chairman, dear colleagues, uniting Europe in freedom, democracy
and security is our common endeavour. Making the NATO-Russia
Council work properly is in our common interest. This is the
right way to promote our values.
Thank you.