NATO Administrative Tribunal
- English
- French
The Administrative Tribunal (AT) is an independent body. It is competent to decide any individual dispute brought by a staff member or a member of the retired North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) staff or his or her legal successor, who is affected by a decision, which is allegedly not in compliance with the Civilian Personnel Regulations or the terms of his appointment with the Organization.
- NATO’s dispute resolution system has its legal basis within the Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, National Representatives and International Staff, done at Ottawa on 20 September 1951, in particular its Article XXIV, and ratified by all member states.
- The NATO Appeals Board, the predecessor of the AT, was created in 1965 and remained operational under the same legal framework for over 40 years.
- In 2011 the North Atlantic Council (NAC) decided to conduct a thorough review of its dispute resolution system in view of its modernisation.
- On 23 January 2013, the NAC approved amendments to its Civilian Personnel Regulations and established, inter alia, with effect from 1 July 2013, the Administrative Tribunal (AT) of NATO.
- The AT is composed of five members of different NATO nationalities who are appointed by the NAC.
- The AT generally conducts oral hearings and renders binding judgments.
- The AT is served by a Registrar office whose personnel are in the discharge of his/her duties responsible only to the Tribunal.
The Tribunal is composed of five members, who shall be of the nationality of one of the NATO member states, but not members of the staff, retired staff members or of the national delegations to the NAC.
The members, of different nationality, are appointed by the NAC “on the basis of merit, be a competent citizen of good character, integrity, reason, intelligence, and judgment and possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be a jurisconsult of recognised competence in a field or fields relevant to the work of the Tribunal”. The appointment is for a five years term, renewable once.
The current composition of the AT is:
- Ms Louise Otis (Canada), President of the NATO Administrative Tribunal
- Ms Anne Trebilcock (United States), Vice-President of the NATO Administrative Tribunal
- Ms Seran Karatarı Köstü (Türkiye), Member of the NATO Administrative Tribunal
- Mr Thomas Laker (Germany), Member of the NATO Administrative Tribunal
- Mr Fabien Raynaud (France), Member of the NATO Administrative Tribunal
*The Members of the Tribunal are completely independent in the exercise of their duties.
Schedule of sessions
The next session of the Tribunal will be held at NATO Headquarters on 9 December 2024.
Staff members, or retired NATO staff, or members of a Delegation of a NATO member state holding the appropriate security clearance, and who are interested in attending a hearing, should consult the “Guidelines for attendance to the NATO Administrative Tribunal’s hearings” under “Practical information” or for further information and assistance contact us using the form below.
Practical information
For practical information on how to file a submission or attend a NATO AT hearing, please refer to the documents below:
- Practice Direction
- AT(TRI)(2014)0003: Guidelines for attendance to the NATO Administrative Tribunal's hearings, 244.20 KB
To file a submission electronically please refer to the link below
The NATO AT Registrar can be contacted at:
NATO Headquarters
NATO Administrative Tribunal
Blvd Leopold III
B-1110 Brussels
Switchboard & Call Enquiries
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 4111
AT Judgments
Past judgments can be consulted below:
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2023, 5 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2022, 2 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2021, 2 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2020, 4 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2019, 7 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2018, 11 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2017, 3 MB
- Judgments and Orders of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2016, 7 MB
- Judgments of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2015, 5432 KB
- Judgments of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2014, 5 MB
- Judgments of the NATO Administrative Tribunal - 2013, 1698 KB
NB: Judgments can be word-searched using the “CTRL + F” function of the keyboards