L'OTAN signe un contrat pour améliorer la défense antimissile

  • 04 Nov. 2011 -
  • |
  • Mis à jour le: 15 Nov. 2011 12:02

Le 4 novembre 2011, l'Agence OTAN de gestion du système de commandement et de contrôle aériens, au nom du Bureau du programme de défense active multicouche contre les missiles balistiques de théâtre (ALTBMD PO) et en coordination avec l'Agence des C3 de l’OTAN, a signé un contrat avec Thales Raytheon Systems (TRS), qui sera chargé de mettre en œuvre, dans la capacité intermédiaire de l'OTAN pour la défense active multicouche contre les missiles balistiques de théâtre, les fonctionnalités demandées par l'opérateur.

20111104 ACCS TMD1 Signing Ceremony

The contract will upgrade the operational hardware and software of the interim capability to the standards being implemented in the latest configuration of NATO’s Air Command and Control System (ACCS).

Industry engineers from TRS will work in support of the ALTBMD programme to deliver an upgraded interim capability that will serve NATO’s operational needs for the next several years and can also form the basis of an interim territorial ballistic missile defence capability.

The results of the work will be implemented in the NATO command and control network within the next six months to broaden the capabilities of the NATO Commander to perform ballistic missile defence missions.

“The signature of this contract represent another incremental step in the effort to provide the NATO Commander with a new, critical capability against the growing proliferation of ballistic missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction,” said Mr Bernard Garot ACCS Programme Director and MG (ret) Alessandro Pera, ALTBMD Programme Manager. “In cooperation with our industry and national partners we continue to keep a rapid pace of programme implementation.”

Earlier this year Team TRS engineers from companies across Europe and US formed a core technical team that started work to define the next steps of the ALTBMD Programme - the TBMD Initial Operational Capability.