13th NATO Cyber Defence Workshop

  • 26 May. 2010 - 28 May. 2010
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  • Last updated: 16 Apr. 2010 09:54

The 13th NATO Cyber Defence Workshop will take place from 26 to 28 May 2010 in Tallinn, Estonia. It is jointly organised by the NATO Computer Incident Response Capability (NCIRC) and Co-operative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE).

The workshop is aimed at bringing together high-level experts from NATO member states as well as from industry to discuss and enhance cyber defence related co-operation among Allied countries.

Subject matter experts will present topics such as critical information infrastructure protection, dynamic risks management and remedies to victims of cyber attacks. The workshop will also feature a number of syndicates to discuss legal aspects of cyber defence, cyber defence related mutual assistance among nations and sharing experiences on cyber defence exercises.

Key speakers of the event include Mr Jaak Aaviksoo, Minister of Defence of Estonia; Major General Glynne Hines, NATO Military Authority for Cyber Defence; and Mr. Suleyman Anil, Head of Cyber Defence and Countermeasures Branch, NATO Office of Security (NOS).

Journalists may apply for press credentials and, on acceptance, are welcome to attend the presentations on 26 May from 09.15 to 12.30. A press conference will be held on 26 May at 13.00. A press room will be available during that morning. Journalists are asked to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

For press accreditation, please fill in the accreditation form at www.ccdcoe.org/nws/pressform.rtf and send it to liisa.tallinn@ccdcoe.org no later than 14 May 2010.

More information is available at: www.ccdcoe.org/nws