Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană speaks at Transatlantic Conference at the Harvard Kennedy School
Speaking at a virtual panel discussion at the annual Transatlantic Conference organised by the Harvard Kennedy School on Thursday (2 July 2020), NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said that COVID 19 has accelerated transformation in many areas and that Allies are drawing lessons from this crisis together. Noting that NATO has continuously adapted to a changing world, Mr. Geoană said that now NATO is adapting once more in order to meet a range of global threats.
He highlighted that the fact that the United States is leading a battle group in Poland and is present in other European countries including in Romania, in Norway and in Spain shows that the US remains committed to security in the continent. “We see a strong commitment of the United States to European security and this is something we cherish”, he said.
Mr. Geoană was speaking at the panel “Redefining Inclusive Transatlantic Security in the COVID Era” with former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
The annual Transatlantic Conference was organised by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Project on Europe and the Transatlantic relationship, and by its Spanish Academic partner, the IE School of Global and Public Affairs, in collaboration with the Fundación Rafael del Pino.