Frequently Asked Questions
NATO Meeting Thursday 25 May 2017
- English
- French
Meeting Programme/Timings
- When will the meeting of NATO Leaders take place?
The meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May 2017, starting at around 14.30 in the New NATO Headquarters. It will end the same day in the evening.
- When should I arrive?
The media centre opens at 9 a.m. on Wednesday 24 May 2017. Some pre-event briefings may be expected that day.
Separately, sufficient time should be factored in for media representatives to go through accreditation and security procedures, and install any equipment.
Security may prevent or delay access to the premises when motorcades are in movement.
- When will the last events take place?
The last meeting should conclude in the late evening of 25 May, followed by a press conference held by the Secretary General at around 21.00. National delegations may also choose to hold press conferences afterwards.
- How do I accredit?
Accreditation is explained in a media advisory found here:
You will require:- A valid press card from a recognised national professional body of a NATO country – i.e. government, professional association, union… -- or absent a valid press card a letter from your editor faxed to +32 2 707 1399 or by email to:
- a passport photograph (see specific requirements below)
- The photo must be in colour, with a plain background - white or light blue are recommended
- Must be jpeg file format and sized between 50KB and 100KB
- Photos must show a full front view of the face, with both sides of the face showing clearly
- The face and shoulders must be centered in the photo and squared to the camera
- Eyes must be open and clearly visible (prescription glasses may be worn)
- Photos must be taken with even lighting and should not show shadows or flash reflection on the face
- What is the deadline for accreditation?
The deadline for accreditation is Thursday 11 May 2017, 18h00 Brussels time.
- I am encountering problems with accreditation. Where can I get help?
Please email:
- I am a freelancer and do not have an Editor. How can I accredit?
Please enter your NATIONAL press card number. If you do not have a NATIONAL presscard, please send us a letter from your organization or the company that you are writing for at either by fax: +32 2 707 1399 or by email at If you do not have this, please provide a supporting letter, stating clearly your intentions of what you would like to cover at the Meeting. Additionally, please write a short email to explain your situation to
- When will I find out if I have been accredited?
You can assume your request has been received and is being staffed unless you hear from us. NATO does not confirm accreditation.
- Is it possible to request accreditation after the deadline?
We will consider these on a case by case basis, and, due to security constraints, will be limited to a strict minimum. NATO cannot guarantee that any requests that come in after the deadline will be approved.
- Can I turn up without accreditation?
No. Media representatives need to request accreditation before seeking to enter the NATO HQ; accreditation requests are made online, by the deadline of 11 May COB. Information is available on the NATO website:
- Can I request accreditation on behalf of other people?
Accreditation has to be made online by the person concerned.
- Can someone pick up accreditation on my behalf?
Access passes need to be picked up in person at the NATO accreditation office. Individuals will need to provide photo ID on collection of their passes.
- I need a visa to cover the Meeting, can you help me?
All media who require visas should apply to the Belgian authorities in good time. Further details are available on the Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Website of the Belgium Kingdom
- How can I book a hotel room if I don’t know whether my accreditation request will be accepted?
Accreditation requests will not be confirmed formally. You should assume it is being staffed unless you hear from us. Your travel and accommodation arrangements are your responsibility.
- Is there a fee associated with accreditation?
Accreditation is free. Workspace seats with table and power are free on a first come first served basis. Wi-Fi is free in the Media Centre area.
- Can I attend the Meeting as a journalist from a non-Allied country or if my country is not represented at the Meeting?
Journalists from every country are welcome to request accreditation and will be treated the same way as journalists from Allied countries.
- When can I begin installing equipment on site for my television crew?
Television networks intending to bring heavy equipment to the Media Centre are requested to do so as from 22 May and no later than 24 May at 17h00. Sat van accessibility and security procedures need to be completed on 22, 23 or 24 May before 17h. Arrivals need to be announced by contacting the TV/Radio office here:
Media Centre Facilities
- What is included in my accreditation status?
Accredited media will have access to the NATO HQ where there will be a large working area with workspaces with access to power supply, Wi-Fi. There will be screens around the Media Centre displaying the latest host broadcast feed from the Meeting.
- Where can I find a cameraman for hire, I came alone and was told things could be arranged on site?
NATO may be able to help. Please
- What kind of internet connection will be available?
There will be Wi-Fi internet across the Media Centre.
- Is there a central phone number for the Media Operations Centre?
This information will be provided closer to the date.
Broadcast Footage
- How can I get the footage if I am unable to attend the Meeting?
NATO will push all working media events in broadcast quality on satellites worldwide. For footage after an event, please write to NATO Channel TV here:
- What languages will be available?
Event retransmission usually includes original sound, English and French. On occasion, additional languages can be added depending on the event. This will very much depend on the program.
- Can I follow the Meeting live on the web?
NATO will webstream most media events on the official programme, on the NATO website. NATO will not webstream delegation events, like the press conferences of Heads of State. The main exception to this will likely be the press conferences held by Delegations in the Current NATO Headquarters’ largest press theatre.
- What is the authorized use of NATO material in terms of copyrights?
The copyright policy for the external use of NATO content is found here .
- How do I get in touch with NATO if I have a question on media logistics ?
Media queries are best handled on line at this address:
Transport/Access to the Meeting Media Centre
- Where can I park my car?
Broadcasters who need to park SNG vehicles will be given access to the open-sky car park at the media centre, located close to the edit booths and the stand up positions. Prior notice of arrival and space needs must be made in writing here:
Some parking (approximately 300) will be available on site for media representatives travelling with their own vehicles. Tram 62 ends at the media entrance but may be impacted by official delegation motorcades. More information will be provided separately.
- Where can I order a cab?
This will be defined closer to the date and updated online.
- Will the tram system work throughout the 24th and 25th May?
This will be defined closer to the date and updated online.
- Will there be a lock down when motorcades begin to arrive?
This will be defined closer to the date and updated on line.
- Will catering be provided?
Different catering options at commercial rates for media representatives will be provided throughout the opening hours of the media centre.
- Where can I book a hotel?
It is the media representatives’ responsibility to arrange accommodation and travel bookings.
NATO/Meeting Information
- How many Allies are in NATO?
The North Atlantic Alliance counts 28 allies. More information on NATO can be found here:
- Which Partners of the Alliance are invited at this meeting?
This meeting of the North Atlantic Council involves Allies only together with Montenegro as an invitee.
- How can I get informed about NATO news? Is there an email system?
You can register to receive press releases via email from NATO by visiting the NATO website, The newsroom tab at the top of the homepage includes a drop down menu with an option to receive press releases via email. The link is here:
- I have a question on substance, who can I ask?
You can contact the NATO press office on +32 27 07 5041 or Press Officers will be on site during the Meeting and ready to answer questions.
- I want to interview a head of delegation. Can you help?
Such requests are best directed to the delegation concerned. The NATO Switchboard is +32.2.707.4111. Please note that contacts in national delegations will be available at the Media Centre.
- I want to interview the Secretary General, can you help?
You can introduce a request to interview the Secretary General of NATO at this address: .