Multinational acquisition group for Precision Guided Munitions welcomes ninth member
Today, Poland officially joined Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and Spain as the ninth participant in the Smart Defence project on the multinational provision of air-to-ground precision-guided munitions. During a signing ceremony at NATO Headquarters, Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz and his Danish counterpart – representing the lead nation of this effort – signed an amended Memorandum of Understanding to mark Poland’s accession.
The original memorandum was signed by the eight existing participants in February 2016. It created a cooperation framework, which enables the participating Allies to continuously address all aspects of their air-to-ground precision-guided munitions requirements on more favorable terms by leveraging economies of scale and improved stockpile management.
The initial multinational order under this cooperation framework is already being processed with a subsequent round being targeted for 2017. By merging their individual demands the participants will directly respond to one of NATO’s capability priorities through multinational cooperation.