Multinational precision-guided munitions programme increases momentum

  • 08 Oct. 2015 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 08 Oct. 2015 18:46

With Belgium and the Netherlands two additional NATO Allies signed today (Thursday 8 October) a Letter of Intent for a Smart Defence effort on the multinational provision of air-to-ground precision-guided munitions (PGMs).

Signing of a Letter of Intent for a Smart Defence effort on the multinational provision of air-to-ground precision-guided munitions. Left to right: Peter Christensen (Minister of Defence, Denmark), Steven Vandeput (Minister of Defence, Belgium) and Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (Minister of Defence, the Netherlands)

The project was originally launched in the margins of the NATO Wales Summit in September 2014 by Defence Ministers from six NATO member countries (the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Portugal and Spain). The objective of this Danish-led initiative is to enable Allies to address all aspects of their air-to-ground precision guided munitions requirements, including procurement and management of munitions inventories, more efficiently through multinational cooperation. 

The decision of Belgium and the Netherlands to join the group validates the value of this approach. It also emphasizes the growing importance Allies attach to improving the way they manage their PGM inventories in light of negative experiences during past operations.