NATO and Ukraine sign Defence-Technical Co-operation Roadmap

  • 16 Dec. 2015 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 16 Dec. 2015 18:42

On Wednesday (16 December 2015) NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, Mr. Patrick Auroy and the First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Mr. Oleg Gladkovskyi co-signed a Roadmap for NATO-Ukraine Defence-Technical Co-operation.

Patrick Auroy, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment and Oleg Gladkovsky, First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, signing the roadmap

The roadmap sets out key activities to implement the priorities listed in a corresponding Declaration of Intent signed in September 2015. Those priorities include improvement of the capabilities of the Armed Forces; co-operation in standardization and codification; transformation of Ukraine’s defence industry; Ukraine’s participation in NATO’s Smart Defence initiative; deepening co-operation between NATO and Ukraine in defence science and technology; and professional development of the Ukrainian staff involved in defence-technical co-operation with the Alliance. 

Most of the activities included in the roadmap focus on Ukraine’s participation in a number of working groups under the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) - the senior NATO committee responsible for promoting co-operation in the armaments field.  The NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence-Technical Co-operation will use the Roadmap to guide its programme of work.