Files On-line
Future Tasks of the Alliance - "Harmel Report" (1967)
Volume 8 : Interim Report to June 1967 Ministerial meeting in Luxembourg and further discussions. (May 1967 – November 1967)
Section 1: Interim Report to Ministers in Luxembourg, June 1967, prepared by the Special Group.
- AC/261-N/8. Special Group on the Future Task of the Alliance. Note listing meetings on 18, 19 and 23 May 1967 of the Special Group, Rapporteurs and Sub-Groups for the two weeks following Whitsun. (12 May 1967) BIL.
- AC/261-A/1. Special Group on the Future Task of the Alliance. Agenda of the meeting to be held at the Permanent Headquarters, Paris on Friday 19th May, 1967. (12 May 1967) BIL
- AC/261-A/1(Revised). Special Group on the Future Task of the Alliance. Agenda of the meeting to be held at the Permanent Headquarters, Paris on Friday 19th May, 1967. (12 May 1967) BIL
- Draft passage for the Ministerial Communique Relative to the Exercise of the Future Tasks of the Alliance (17 May 1967) ENG
- Draft Progress Report of the Council to Ministers Meeting at Luxembourg Relative to the Exercise on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (17 May 1967) ENG
- Interim Report of the Council to Ministers Meeting at Luxembourg Relative to the Studies on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (19 May 1967) ENG
- Summary record of the meeting held on 19 May 1967 by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to discuss and prepare the “progress report for eventual submission to ministers” (May 1967). ENG+FRE
- Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Memo from Deputy Executive Secretary to Secretary General with a summary record of meeting held on 19th May 1967. (24 May 1967) ENG
- Report of the meeting of rapporteurs of Sub-Groups of the Special Group on Future Tasks of the Alliance, under the Chairmanship of the Secretary General. (19 May 1967) ENG
- AC/261-A/2. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Agenda for the meeting to be held at the Permanent Headquarters Paris on Monday, 29th May, 1967. (22 May, 1967) BIL
- Submission by Deputy Executive Secretary to Secretary General of draft agenda for the meeting of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance on 29th May 1967. (22 May 1967) ENG
- FCM(67)82. Memo from F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary to Mr. C. Chapman Redrafting the interim report to Ministers on Future Tasks of the Alliance (22 May 1967) ENG
- No. 237 Délégation Française auprès de l’OTAN. Observations concernant la préparation du rapport intérimaire au Secrétaire Général. (22 May 1967) FRE
- United States Delegation. Letter from US Permanent Representative, Harlan Cleveland to Secretary General following a meeting of the Special Group on the Study of the Future of the Alliance. (22 May 1967) ENG
- FCM(67)84. Memo from F.C. Menne to Mr. C. Chapman on redraft of interim report to ministers on Future Tasks of the Alliance. (24 May 1967) ENG
- AC/261-D/3. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Draft interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (25 May 1967) FRE
- AC/261-D/3. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance – Draft interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (25 May 1967) ENG
- DPA(67)142. Political Affairs Division. US proposal to Secretary General for new wording of paragraph 11 of draft interim report. (29 May 1967) ENG
- Brief for the Secretary General for the meeting of the Special Group. (29 May 1967) ENG
- C-M(67)33. Council Memorandum. Interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (30 May 1967) FRE
- C-M(67)33. Council Memorandum. Interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (30 May 1967) ENG
- Brief for the Secretary General for the Meeting of the Special Group (30 May 1967) ENG
- C-R(67)24. NATO Council meeting on 31 May 1967. Extract on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. ( 8 June 1967) BIL
- C-R(67)29. NATO Council meeting on 14 June 1967. Extract on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (10 July 1967) BIL
- Note for the file drafted by Archives Section. ENG
Section 2: Discussions with Permanent Representatives (12th and 24th July) and in Bonn (Königswinter) (21st July) with rapporteurs on the manner in which the Harmel’s Exercise may unfold in future – Schedule of work of the Four Sub-Groups and the Special Group.
- Future Tasks of the Alliance – Dates and submission of reports and meetings of Sub-Groups. ENG
- GAS(67)74. Political Affairs Division General Affairs Section. Memorandum to Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs from C.A. Chapman on his meeting with the Secretary General (11 July 1967) ENG
- DPA(67)159. Political Affairs Division. Memorandum to the Secretary General from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs on the Future Task of the Alliance and the schedule of work for the four sub-groups. (12 July 1967) ENG
- Record of a private meeting of Permanent Representatives held on 12 July 1967 on the Harmel Exercise.(July 1967) ENG
- Draft Paper. Analysis of tendencies revealed in the discussion of Permanent Representatives on 12th July, 1967. (17 July 1967) ENG
- DPA(67)163. Political Affairs Division. Report from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Secretary General on the analysis of tendencies revealed in the discussion of Permanent Representatives on 12th July 1967. (18 July 1967) ENG
- United Kingdom Delegation. Draft by Adam Watson on suggestions for basic ideas underlying the papers of all rapporteurs. (17 July 1967) ENG
- United States Delegation. Memorandum for Rapporteurs by Foy D. Kohler, Deputy Under Secretary of State on Future of the Alliance Study sent to the Secretary General. (18 July 1967) ENG
- DPA(67)166. Political Affairs Division. Report to the Secretary General from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs on the Future Tasks of the Alliance and the future procedure. (19 July 1967) ENG
- Record of Meeting of Rapporteurs of Sub-groups of Special Group on Future tasks of the Alliance in Köningswinter, on 21st July and the list of participants. (25 July 1967) ENG
- PO(67)559. Private Office. Rapport du Secrétaire général au Groupe Special, sur la réunion des Rapporteurs qui a eu lieu à Koeningswinter, Allemagne, le 21 Juillet 1967. (4 August 1967) FRE
- PO(67)559. Private Office. Report by the Secretary General to the Special Group on the meeting of Rapporteurs at Koeningswinter, Germany, on 21st July 1967. (4 August 1967) ENG
- Record of the Private Meeting on 24th July 1967, of Permanent Representatives of countries furnishing Harmel exercise rapporteurs. (24 July 1967) ENG
- Record of the private meeting on 24th July 1967, of Permanent Representatives of countries furnishing Harmel exercise rapporteurs – Short version. (24 July 1967) ENG
- No. 2122. Belgian Delegation. Outline of the general report. (31 July 1967) ENG+FRE
- PO(67)580. Private Office. Letter to M. Spaak from J.A. Roberts. (3 August 1967) FRE
- PO(67)583 to 587. Private Office. Letters from J.A. Roberts to Permanent Representatives of delegations writing of an enclosed copy of Mr. Spaak’s outline for the report to ministers of the Special Group. (3 August 1967) ENG+FRE
- United Kingdom Delegation. Letter to Mr. Roberts informing him of the forwarding of his letter, PO(67)585 to Mr. Watson. (4 August 1967) ENG
- Record of conversation between the Secretary General, Mr. Rostow and Mr. Cleveland. (10 September 1967) ENG
- DPA(67)192. Political Affaires Division. Distribution of reports by rapporteurs to Political Affairs Division. (15 and 19 September 1967) FRE
- GAS(67)95. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Future work programme of the Council for the exercise on the Future Tasks of the Alliance (18 September 1967) ENG
- C-R(67)39. NATO Council meeting on 20 September 1967. Extract on future programme of work for the Council on Future Tasks of the Alliance. (2 October 1967) BIL
Section 3: Circulation of Reports of the four Sub-Groups.
- AC/261-N/13. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Provision of additional texts. Reports of the four sub-groups in the AC/261 series sent to certain delegations from F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary. (2 November 1967) ENG+ FRE
- AC/261-N/13(Revised). Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Provision of Additional Texts. Reports of the four sub-groups in the AC/261 series sent to certain delegations from F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary. (16 November 1967) ENG+FRE
- PB(67)119. Memo by P. De Burlet, Staff Officer (Political Affairs Division) to Deputy Executive Secretary on report by rapporteur of sub-group 2. (21 November 1967) FRE
- Note pour M. Synadinos par le Chef de la Section des Archives. (23 June 1992) FRE
- EXS(92)150. Executive Secretariat. Release of NATO Information: Corrigendum to one of the sub-group reports covered by the request for release contained in PO(92)105. (2 July 1992) BIL