Updated: 04-Apr-2002 17:31 NATO Ministerial Meetings

29-30 May 2001

Defence Ministers Meeting

NATO HQ, Brussels - 7-8 June 2001

  • Press Releases
  • Translations
  • Documents
  • Backgrounders
  • Speeches
  • High Resol. Photos
  • Audio Files
  •   Media Programme
  • 7 June 2001
  • 8 June 2001
    Who's who?
  • Defence Ministers
  • Perm. Represent.
  • Secretary General
  • Press Releases
    NATO Press Release(2001)058 - 8 May 2001
    Defence Ministers Meetings - 7-8 June 2001
    OTAN Communiqu de presse (2001)058 - 8 mai 2001
    Runions des ministres de la Dfense 7-8 juin 2001
    NATO Press Release M-NAC-D-1(2001)86 - 7 June 2001
    Final Communiqu - Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels
    OTAN Communiqu de presse M-NAC-D-1(2001)86 - 7 juin 2001
    Communiqu final - Runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord en session des Ministres de la dfense tenue Bruxelles
    NATO Press Release M-DPC/NPG-1(2001)87 - 7 June 2001
    Final Communiqué - Ministerial Meeting of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group
    OTAN Communiqu de presse M-DPC/NPG-1(2001)87 - 7 juin 2001
    Communiqué final - Runions du Comit des plans de dfense et du Groupe des plans nuclaires en session ministrielle tenues Bruxelles
    NATO Press Release M-NAC-D-1(2001)88 - 7 June 2001
    Statement on the situation in the Balkans - Issued at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels
    OTAN Communiqu de presse M-NAC-D-1(2001)88 - 7 juin 2001
    Dclaration sur la situation dans les Balkans - Diffuse l'issue de la runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord en session des Ministres de la dfense tenue Bruxelles
    NATO Press Release M-NAC-D-1(2001)89 - 7 June 2001
    Statement on the Defence Capabilities Initiative - Issued at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels
    OTAN Communiqu de presse M-NAC-D-1(2001)89 - 7 juin 2001
    Dclaration concernant l'initiative sur les capacits de dfense - Diffuse l'issue de la runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord en session des Ministres de la dfense tenue Bruxelles
    Statement M-NUC-D-1(2001)83 - 7 June 2001
    Statement - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of Defence Ministers held at NATO Headquarters
    Déclaration M-NUC-D-1(2001)83 - 7 juin 2001
    Dclaration - Runion de la commission OTAN-Ukraine au niveau des Ministres de la dfense tenue au sige de l'OTAN

    Press Statement - 8 June 2001
    Statement - NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Defence Ministers Level Held in Brussels on 8 June 2001
    Déclaration à la presse - 8 juin 2001
    Déclaration - Runion du Conseil conjoint permanent OTAN-Russie au niveau des Ministres de la dfense tenue Bruxelles le 8 juin 2001

    NATO Press Release M-EAPC-1(2001)84 - 8 June 2001
    Chairmans' Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council In Defence Ministers Session Brussels
    Communiqué de presse M-EAPC-1(2001)84 - 8 juin 2001
    Compte rendu succinct du président - Réunion du Conseil de partenariat euro-atlantique en session des Ministres de la défense tenue à Bruxelles le 8 juin 2001
    • Kommuniqué - Treffen des Nordatlantikrats auf Ebene der Verteidigungsminister im Verteidigungsplanungsausschuss und in der Nuklearen Planungsgruppe
    • Kommuniqu - Treffen des Nordatlantikrats auf Ebene der Verteidigungsminister
    • Erklrung zur Lage auf dem Balkan
    • Erklrung zur Initiative zur Verteidigungsfhigkeit
    • Erklrung - Treffen der NATO-Ukraine-Kommission auf Ebene der Verteidigungsminister
    • Zusammenfassung durch den Vorsitzenden - Treffen des Euro-Atlantischen Partnerschaftsrats auf Ebene der Verteidigungsminister
    • Erklrung - Treffen des Stndigen NATO-Russland-Rats auf Ebene der Verteidigungsminister
    • Statement - NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Defence Ministers Level Held in Brussels on 8 June 2001 (in Russian)
    Background Information
    • Background note - Signature of a Memorandum of Agreement on the Opening in Moscow of an "Information, Consultation and Training Centre" by the Ministry of Defence in Moscow on the Resettlement of Military Personnel Due for Discharge or Discharged from the Russian Federation Armed Forces (in Russian)

    • Background note by the Ministry of Defence of Spain - Signing of the cooperation protocol between the Spanish and Latvian Ministries of Defence

    Meeting of the North Atlantic Council - 7 June 2001

    • Opening Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson
    • Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Press Conference after the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council

    • Prepared remarks by U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld at the occasion of the NATO North Atlantic Council (NAC-D)
    • Background briefing by a senior U.S. defense official on the NATO Defence Ministerials (US DoD)

    Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council - 8 June 2001

    • Speech by H.E. Ismail Lleshi, Minister of Defence, Albania
    • Speech by Colonel-General Safar Abiyev, Minister of Defence, Azerbaijan
    • Statement by Mr Boyko Noev, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria
    • Address by Mr. Jozo Rado, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia
    • Remarks by H.E. Jiiri Luik, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia
    • Remarks by Mr. Juha Harjula, Director General, Ministry of Defence, Finland
    • Statement by Lt. Gen. David Tevzadze, Minister of Defence of Georgia
    • Speaking Points by the Representative of the Republic of Ireland
    • Statement by Mr. Qirts Valdis Kristovskis, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
    • Speech delivered by Dr. Vlado Buckovski, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia
    • Speaking notes by Mr. F.H.G. de Grave, Minister of Defence of the Netherlands
    • Statement by Ioan Mircea Pascu, Minister of Defence of Romania
    • Speech of Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic
    • Statement by Dr. Anton Grizoid, Minister of Defence of Slovenia
    • Remarks by F. Trillo-Figueroa Martnez Conde, Minister of Defence of Spain
    • Statement by Dr Bjorn von Sydow, Minister for Defence of Sweden
    High Resolution Photos

    7 June 2001

    8 June 2001

    Audio Files

    7 June 2001

    • Opening statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (.MP3/1.693Mb)
    • Press Conference by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson after the meeting of the North Atlantic Council (.MP3/4.527Mb)
    • Press conference by Rudolf Scharping, Minister of Defence of Germany (.MP3/3.627Mb)
    • Press conference by Alain Richard, Minister of Defence of France (.MP3/3.486Mb)
    • Opening Remarks by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the Ukrainian Defence Minister, General O. Kuzmuk at the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in NATO Defence Ministers' session.(.MP3/1.016Mb)
    • Joint Press Point with NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and the Ukrainian Defence Minister, General O. Kuzmuk after the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in NATO Defence Ministers' session. (.MP3/2.173Mb)

    • Press Conference by US Defense Secretary, Mr Rumsfeld (.MP3/7.162Mb)

    8 June 2001

    • Press conference by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Mr. Serguey Ivanov, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, after the Meeting of the Permanent Joint Council (PJC) (direct)
    • Press conference by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson and Mr. Serguey Ivanov, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, after the Meeting of the Permanent Joint Council (PJC) (translated) (.MP3/4.706Mb)
    • Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) (.MP3/1.137Mb)
    • Declaration by the US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld and the Russian Defence Minister, Serguey Ivanov following their bilateral meeting (.MP3/2.677Mb)

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