Updated: 27-Jun-2001 15:34 NATO Meetings


Special Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the participation of Heads of State and Government

NATO HQ, Brussels - 13 June 2001

  • Press Releases
  • Speeches
  • High Res. Photos
  • Audio Files
  •   Media Programme
  • English
  • Français
    Who's who?
  • Heads of State and Government
  • Secretary General
  • Press Releases
    NATO Press Release (2001)069 - 16 May 2001
    Special Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the participation of Heads of State and Government, 13 June 2001
    OTAN Communiqué de presse (2001)069 - 16 mai 2001
    Runion spciale du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord avec la participation des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, 13 juin 2001
    • Opening statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
    • Opening statement by US President George W. Bush at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
    • Excerpted remarks by US President George W. Bush to the North Atlantic Council

    • Intervention de Monsieur Jacques Chirac, Prsident de la Rpublique franaise lors de la runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord
    • Address by Jacques Chirac, President of France at the meeting of the North Atlantic Council
    • Speech by Gerhard Schroder, Federal Chancellor of Germany
      at the North Atlantic Council.
    • Rede von dem Deutschen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder vor dem NATO-Rat
    • Speech by Willem Kok, Prime Minister of The Netherlands
    • Intervention by H.E. Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of the Republic of Poland
    • Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and US President George W. Bush with Q&A
    • Transcript of the Q&A at the Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson after the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
    • Statement to the Press by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson
    High resolution photos
    Audio files
    • Opening statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (.MP3/805Mb)

    • Opening statement by US President George W. Bush at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (.MP3/485Mb)
    • Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson with Q&A after the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (.MP3/4.195Mb)
    • Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and US President George W. Bush with Q&A (.MP3/9.829Mb) (.WMV/3.258) +
    • Press Conference by French President Jacques Chirac (.MP3/4.761Mb)
    • Press Conference by Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy (in English) (.MP3/3.628Mb)
    • Press Conference by Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy (in Italian) (.MP3/3.936Mb)

    • Press Conference by Mr. Jaime Gama, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal (in Portuguese) (.MP3/3.411Mb)

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