Updated: 06-Nov-2006 NATO Speeches



Speeches 1990

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NATO Speech - 8 February 1990
"Atlantic Alliance and German Unity" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, at the Uberseeclub, Hamburg

NATO Speech - 19 April 1990
"NATO and a new European Order" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to the Italian Senate, Rome

NATO Speech - 17 May 1990
"The Atlantic Alliance and European Security in the 1990s " - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to the Bremer Tabaks Collegium, Brussels

OTAN Discours - 17 mai 1990
"L'Alliance Atlantique et la Scurit Europenne dans les annes 1990" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, prononc devant le Bremer Tabaks Collegium, Bruxelles

NATO Speech - 7 and 8 June 1990
"Opening remarks at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Turnberry

OTAN Discours - 7 et 8 juin 1990
"Allocution d'ouverture la Runion Ministrielle du Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Turnberry

OTAN Discours - 21 juin 1990
"La Scurit Europenne et l'Avenir de l'Alliance" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, prononc l' Institut Franais des Relations Internationales, Paris

NATO Speech - 5 July 1990
"Opening Statement to the NATO Summit Meeting" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, London

OTAN Discours - 5 juillet 1990
"Dclaration d'ouverture au Sommet de l'OTAN" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Londres

NATO Speech - 16 July 1990
"A common Europe-Partners in Stability" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to Members of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Moscow

OTAN Discours - 16 juillet 1990
"Une Europe commune - Partenaires dans la stabilit" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, prononc devant des Membres du Soviet Supreme de L'URSS, Moscou

NATO Speech - 6 September 1990
"Building a new Europe" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech and Slovak Republic, Prague

OTAN Discours - 6 Septembre 1990
"Construire une Europe nouvelle" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, prononc au Ministre des Affaires Etrangres de la Rpublique Tchque et Slovaque, Prague

NATO Speech - 19-21 September 1990
"Address given to a Conference sponsored by the United States Mission to NATO on the Future of the Atlantic Alliance" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Brussels

NATO Speech - 3 October 1990
"Address to the North Atlantic Council on the occasion of German Unification" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Brussels

OTAN Discours - 3 octobre 1990
"Discours au Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord l'Occasion de l'Unification de l'Allemagne" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Bruxelles

NATO Speech - 5 November 1990
"The future of the Atlantic Alliance" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to the National Defence Institute, Lisbon

NATO Speech - 22 November 1990
"Speech before the Hungarian Parliament" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Budapest

OTAN Discours - 22 novembre 1990
"Discours au Parlement Hongrois" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Budapest

NATO Speech -29 November 1990
"Address given at the 36th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, London

OTAN Discours - 29 Novembre 1990
"Discours Prononc la 36me Session Annuelle de l'Assemble de l'Atlantique Nord" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Londres

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