Admiral  Emil Eftimov

Chief of Defence – Bulgaria

  • Last updated: 11 Jan. 2021 13:10

Admiral Emil Eftimov was born on 16 August 1961 in the town of Varna


1979 – Mathematics High School, Varna 1979-1984 – "Nikola Vaptsarov" Naval Academy, Varna
1992-1994 – "N.G.Kuznetsov" Naval Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2001 – English Language Training Course, Military Academy of Hungary
2004-2005 – U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
2012 – Senior Officers Course, NATO School Oberammergau, Germany
2012 – Flag Officers and Ambassadors Course, NATO Defense College, Rome, Italy

Military Career:

1984–1985 – Navigation Officer, Frigate Class Ship
1985–1988 – Anti-submarine Officer, Frigate Class Ship
1988-1991 – Executive Officer, Frigate Class Ship
1991-1992 – Commanding Officer of Frigate Class Ship
1992-1994 – Student at "N.G.Kuznetsov" Naval Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia
1994-1995 – Anti-submarine Officer, Patrol Ships Squadron
1995-2000 – Chief of Staff of 1st Patrol Ships Squadron, Varna Naval Base
2000-2001 – Deputy Chief of Staff and Chief of Operational and Combat Training Section, Varna Naval Base
2001-2003 – Commander of 1st Patrol Ships Squadron, Varna Naval Base
2003-2004 – Deputy Commander for Forces Training, Varna Naval Base
2004-2005 – Student at U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
2005-2006 – Chief of Forces Training and Employment Division, Navy HQ
2006-2009 – Chief of Staff, Varna Naval Base
2009-2011 – Commander of Varna Naval Base
2011-2013 – Deputy Director of Cooperation and Regional Security Division, International Military Staff, NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium
2013-2016 – Director of Cooperation and Regional Security Division, International Military Staff, NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium
2016–2017 – Deputy Chief of Defence
19 January – 08 March 2017 – Acting Chief of Defence
08 March 2017 – 29.03.2020 - Deputy Chief of Defence
30.03.2020 г. – Chief of Defence


1984 – Second Lieutenant
1987 – First Lieutenant
1991 – Lieutenant
1996 – Lieutenant Commander
1999 - Commander
2003 – Captain (N)
2009 – Commodore
2013 – Rear Admiral
2016 – Vice Admiral
2020 г. – Admiral

Awards and Decorations:

All awards and decorations that are presented for excellent service to the various ranks, including the MoD Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service under the Colours and Medal of Honour "St. George the Victor"

Foreign Languages:

Admiral Eftimov is fluent in English and Russian

Marital Status:

Married, with two children