Jamie Shea
– United Kingdom
2010 – 2018
Jamie Shea was Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium until his retirement in late September 2018. He received worldwide attention during the 1999 Kosovo War, when he served as the spokesperson for NATO.

Married, two children. Born 11 September 1953 in London (British citizen).
Previous NATO positions:
Aug. 2005 - Sept 2018 | Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges |
April 2003 - Aug. 2005 | Deputy Assistant Secretary General for External Relations, Public Diplomacy Division |
Oct. 2000 - Mar. 2003 | Director of Information and Press |
July 1993 - Sep. 2000 | Spokesman of NATO and Deputy Director of Information and Press. |
Jan. 1991 - July 1993 | Deputy Head and Senior Planning Officer, Policy Planning Unit and Multilateral Affairs Section of the Political Directorate, NATO. Speechwriter to the Secretary General of NATO. Drafter of NATO Ministerial communiqués and policy planning of Ministerial meetings. |
Nov. 1988 - Jan. 1991 | Assistant to the Secretary General of NATO for Special Projects; most notably speechwriting, ghostwriting of articles, press releases, book chapters and official communiqués; advising Secretary General on political and military issues and on his public communications strategy. |
Feb. 1985 - Nov. 1988 | Head of External Relations Conferences and Seminars. |
Sep. 1982 - Feb. 1985 | Head of Youth Programmes. |
Oct. 1980 - Sep. 1982 | Administrator in Council Operations Section of Executive Secretariat. |
Current external, academic positions:
- Professor, Collège d’Europe, Bruges
- Lecturer, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent
- Associate Professor of International Relations, American University, Washington DC; Director of the Brussels Overseas Study Programme
- Adjunct Associate Professor of International Relations, James Madison College, Michigan State University - Director of the MSU Summer School in Brussels.
- External Advisor, Post-graduate curriculum development, University of Sussex.
- Chair of Transatlantic Programme, Royal Holloway College, University of London.
- Member of the Academic Advisory Council, Vesalius College, Brussels
Other professional and academic pursuits:
- Regular lecturer and conference speaker on NATO and European security affairs and on public diplomacy and political communication and lobbying.
- Associate Editor, Europe’s World, Brussels-based journal on international affairs.
- External examiner, candidates for PhD degree, London School of Economics, University of St Andrews, Department of War Studies, King’s College, University of London, University of Kent, Canterbury and University of Iceland
Associations and memberships:
- Member of the Advisory Board, Security and Defence Programmes, Chatham House
- Member of the Policy Council, World Economic Forum, Geneva
- Founder and Member of Board, Security and Defence Agenda, Brussels
- Member of Advisory Council, European Policy Centre, Brussels
- Board Member, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- External Associate, Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
- Member of the Advisory Board, Centre d'Etudes et de Prospectives Stratégiques, Paris.
- Member of the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels.
- Associate Member, Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, Brussels.
- Member of the Advisory Council, Académie Diplomatique Internationale, Paris
- Member, Policy Forum, London
- Member of Advisory Board, Centre for Defence Studies, Tallinn, Estonia
- Member of the Advisory Board, LSE Ideas Transatlantic Project
- European Communicator of the Year (PR Week) 1999
- International Who’s Who and Debretts Director of Public Figures.
- D.Phil. In Modern History from Oxford University (Lincoln College) 1981.
- Thesis: "European Intellectuals and the Great War 1914-1918".
- B.A. Hons. In Modern History and French from Sussex University 1977; First Class.
- English - mother tongue
- French - fluent
- Dutch, German, Spanish - good knowledge
- Italian – working knowledge