Scott W. Bray
Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security
Scott W. Bray is NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security. Mr. Bray ensures that the NATO intelligence organizations operate as an enterprise to meet the challenging demands of the Alliance. He also is the senior advisor to the Secretary General for intelligence and security matters.

Prior to his current role, Mr. Bray spent his career in the US Intelligence Community and has extensive experience in intelligence analysis and collection, leadership of the Intelligence Community's East Asia efforts, interagency integration at the IC's highest levels, and Directorship of Naval Intelligence.
Mr. Bray was the Acting Director of Naval Intelligence during August to November 2023 and the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence during January 2020 to November 2023, where he led the Naval Intelligence Enterprise, delivered comprehensive intelligence assessments to Navy leadership, oversaw intelligence activities and policies within the Navy, and represented the Navy in the Intelligence Community. Concurrently, Mr. Bray served as the Director of the Naval Intelligence Activity, an echelon two command for oversight and management of the Naval Intelligence Enterprise.
Mr. Bray served at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence from 2010 to 2020. During 2012 to 2020, Mr. Bray was the National Intelligence Manager for East Asia, the senior US intelligence official for East Asia matters. He oversaw and integrated all aspects of the IC's collection, analytic, counterintelligence, foreign partnerships, and resourcing efforts for East Asia and served as the IC's senior representative to the White House and the interagency process for East Asia issues.
During 2010 to 2012, he was the Principal Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Military Issues, where he oversaw the production of National Intelligence Estimates and other assessments on worldwide military issues.
Mr. Bray served as a Special Assistant to the US Defense Attaché in Beijing in 2007-2008. He was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in 2007.
He held a number of analytic positions within the Office of Naval Intelligence, specializing in submarine operations and readiness, integrated naval warfare, and naval production.
Mr. Bray earned a BS of International Affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1996 and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in 1998. Georgia Institute of Technology named Mr. Bray a Distinguished Alumnus of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs in 2015. He is a Presidential Rank Award, Director of National Intelligence Distinguished Service Award, Under Secretary of Defense Medallion for Distinguished Service, National Intelligence Superior Service Medal, and Navy Superior Civilian Service Award (two awards) recipient.