Lieutenant General Jérôme Goisque

Military Representative – France

  • Last updated: 02 Sep. 2022 12:21
Lieutenant General Jérôme Goisque, Military Representative of France to NATO

Married and father of four, Major General Jérôme GOISQUE was born in Suresnes, west of Paris on 8 December 1967, second of seven children.

He joined Saint Cyr military academy in 1987 (as a member of the “Promotion Lieutenant Tom MOREL, 1987-90”) and chose to serve as an infantry officer.
After one year’s training as an infantry platoon commander at the French Army infantry training school in Montpellier (1990-91) he was assigned to the 110th Infantry Regiment, part of the Franco-German Brigade in Donauschingen (Germany), where he served as a Lieutenant and as a Captain.
His first overseas operation was in 1994-95, when he deployed for six months as part of the European Community Monitoring Mission (ECMM) in Sarajevo, Bosnia as a liaison officer attached to the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the former Yugoslavia.
In 1995 he joined the 8th Infantry regiment in Noyon in France and served there for two years as a Company second-in-command, before returning to Villingen in Germany to command the 1st infantry company of the 110th Infantry Regiment; this was followed by a year as the Regimental operations officer.
Promoted to major in 2000, he was assigned to the infantry training school in Montpellier as an instructor; during this posting (in 2002), he deployed to Pristina, Kosovo for a six-month operational tour as a plans officer in the HQ of the French Senior Military Representative.
He is a graduate of the French Army senior staff course (the “116ème Promotion” of the CSEM) and of the French Joint Services command & staff course (the “11ème Promotion” of the CID). He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 2004.In that year, he began a three-year assignment in the Cooperation & Regional Security Division of the International Military Staff at the NATO HQ in Bruxelles.
In 2007, he moved to join the staff of the 3rd (French) Mechanised Brigade as Chief G3 (ops) and, in 2008, he deployed to Ivory Coast as Deputy Chief of Staff of the French operation HQ – “Opération LICORNE”. He was promoted to Colonel in October 2008.
On 9 July 2009, Colonel GOISQUE assumed command of the 126th Regiment of Infantry in Brive la Gaillarde. During his tenure in command, he deployed with his Regiment to Afghanistan; as the commander of the ‘Bison’ battle-group (one of two French battle-groups in theatre), he had responsibility for French and coalition military operations in the Kapisa province and the Surobi district.
In August 2011 joined the “61ème Promotion” of the French higher command & staff course (the CHEM) and then “64ème Promotion” of the French national institute for defence studies (the IHEDN).
In 2012, he was assigned to the French Joint Staff in Paris as the head of the NATO office.
In 2016, he was assigned to the French Army’s Land Forces Command in Lille as a senior staff officer and Director of Staff.
In the summer of 2018, Colonel GOISQUE was promoted to Brigadier General to assume the position of ACOS J3 at the NATO JFC HQ in Brunssum in the Netherlands.
From September 2020 to August 2022, he was assigned to the Rapid Reaction Corps, in Lille, as Chief of Staff, and he was promoted to Major General on 1st July 2021.

As of August 31st 2022 he will take up the duties of Military Representative to EU and NATO and he will be promoted Lieutenant General.