Peter Bátor

Permanent Representative – Slovakia

  • Last updated: 08 Feb. 2021 11:48
Peter Bátor

Peter Bátor has worked as diplomat, analyst, policy adviser and speechwriter for two Presidents of Slovakia, ministers, deputy ministers and ambassadors. His diplomatic experience include posting  to the Permanent Delegation of Slovakia to NATO in Brussels, where he served as Deputy Permanent Representative and later as Chief Political Adviser to the Slovak Permanent Representative.

 Before his posting to NATO he had served as Director of Cabinet and advisor to Deputy Minister of foreign affairs. He had held different positions at the Slovak Ministry of Defence, including the position of Director of International Crisis Management and Arms Control Division, NATO analyst, and legal adviser (international law).

Throughout his career, Peter Bátor has focused on foreign and security policy, with special emphasis on NATO, Eastern Flank, Western Balkans and international conflicts. In the recent years, he has also focused on cyber security, and its impacts on security of states and international organizations. He has a short-term field experience from Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo.

In 20 years, he has extensively cooperated with governmental and non-governmental organizations, and academia. He is founder of the first Slovak cyber security web portal and former President of the Slovak George C. Marshall Centre Alumni Association. He holds MA and PhD. in international affairs and diplomacy from Matej Bel University in Slovakia, and graduated a program in Security Studies at George C. Marshall Centre for Security Studies in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. He speaks English, some German and has passive knowledge of French. 

He is married and father of two. He is a passionate wine enthusiast, less-than-average runner and occasional guitar player.