Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius
Military Representative – Lithuania

Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius was born in Venta, Lithuania on 12 August 1974. He commenced his military career by joining military Academy of Lithuania in 1994. Commissioned as an officer he was appointed to the several Intelligence positions in the Mechanized Infantry Brigade “Iron Wolf”, including Chief of Brigade Intelligence.
Subsequently, Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius has had multiple commanding positions, including Head of Capabilities Development Department at the Ministry of National Defence, Commander of the Motorized Infantry battalion and Chief of Staff of Mechanized Infantry battalion.
In 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Colonel and appointed as Commander of the Mechanized Infantry brigade “Iron Wolf”. Following NATO Warsaw Summit, enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group has been deployed to Lithuania and integrated into Mechanized Infantry brigade “Iron Wolf”, at the time led by colonel Mindaugas Steponavičius.
Eventually, Mindaugas Steponavičius was promoted to Brigadier General and served as Commander of Training and Doctrine Command, followed to the appointment to the Chief of Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces (Vice CHOD capacity).
During his career, Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius has been deployed to Iraq (“Iraqi Freedom”) and to Afghanistan (“Enduring Freedom”) operations.
Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius is also a graduate of Baltic Defence College, US Army War College and holds Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies.
For the meritorious service Major General Mindaugas Steponavičius has been awarded the Lithuanian Order of the Cross of the Knight, Dutch Order of Orange-Nassau (Officer Grade) and number of other awards.
Major General and his wife Gitana have been married for more than 29 years and have a son. He enjoys hiking and cycling.