François Gautier
François Gautier is Head of the Internal Oversight Service (IOS). He took up his duties in April 2020.

The Internal Oversight Service (IOS) is in charge of providing the Secretary General with independent assessments on the effectiveness and efficiency of NATO IS operations and activities, to champion risk management and to monitor the implementation of risk management processes within the IS. It contributes to enhancing NATO IS accountability, compliance and risk awareness.
Graduated from the French Army Academy of Saint Cyr and from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, François Gautier served as an army officer in various armoured cavalry and paratrooper units before joining the MoD general Inspectorate in 2003. He successively worked in the International Board of auditors for NATO (2007-2012) and in the European Court of auditors (2012-2017).
In 2017 he was appointed Head of Internal Audit in the French Ministry of Defence.
Certified Internal auditor, he is also member of the internal audit committees of the French Finance and Economy ministry and Health and Labour ministries
François Gautier is married and father of one daughter and one son.