Opening remarks

by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Grigol Vashadze at the meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission at Foreign Affairs Ministers level, NATO HQ

  • 03 Dec. 2009 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 03 Dec. 2009 21:38

Left to right: Grigol Vashadze (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia) with NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Grigol Vashadze (Georgian Minister of Foreign Affairs): Thank you, Mr. Secretary General.

Dear Colleagues, Excellencies, I would like to thank you all for being here at the NATO-Georgia Commission, the framework that plays a central role in supervising Georgia's NATO integration process.

The meeting is especially important as we come in following the first Annual National Program assessment, which I believe was positively assessed by allies. The ANP is instrumental, absolutely instrumental in reinforcing Georgia's integration, a process that I would like to note that 2009 assessment reflects the substantial progress in implementing Georgia's ANP goals.

One of them being obviously deepening and enhancing democracy and the democratic institutions and this objective is going to be pursued by my government for years to come.

Despite the difficult security situation inside Georgia's occupied territories, we have achieved remarkable progress in this regard and we will press ahead with reforms in 2010 to satisfy all the ANP goals and to achieve our ultimate objective, which is full Euro-Atlantic integration.

Let me reiterate that Georgia is committed to the Euro-Atlantic agenda which has been demonstrated by our substantial contribution to ISAF. I am proud that our soldiers are serving with the allied and partner militaries in Afghanistan. I would like to underscore that we will preserve our commitment to security of the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond throughout our integration process, and certainly after full membership.

With this I would like to express my country's appreciation of the allied firm stance that Georgia will become a member of NATO, and your unwavering support when it comes to our independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and importantly, to our right to choose alliances and allies corresponding to our national interests.

Thank you.