Speeches & transcripts

41 Entries

31 Oct. 2024

Speech by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte at the 24th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security

(As delivered)
12 Jul. 2023

Opening remarks by the NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Irene Fellin at the High-level women's breakfast

With the participation of Allied Female Foreign and Defence Ministers and other Invited Guests
12 Jul. 2023

Opening remarks by the NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Irene Fellin at the High-level women's breakfast

With the participation of Allied Female Foreign and Defence Ministers and other Invited Guests
07 Oct. 2022

Reflections by Irene Fellin on her first months as the Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security

The past months have presented us with particular and compounding challenges, and have impacted our lives and security posture permanently. But through these difficult times – of COVID-19 and global conflict – we have proven our resilience.
07 Oct. 2022

NATO and civil society: What NATO can learn from women in the Middle East and North Africa

It has been 15 years since NATO adopted the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. How has it fared in NATO’s work across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)? This question is best answered by those on the ground, alongside whom I had the pleasure of speaking at NATO’s WPS conference on Women Mediators and Peacebuilders in MENA in March 2022.
24 Jan. 2022

NATO Statement: Protecting Participation – addressing violence targeting women in peace and security processes

(As delivered)
07 Dec. 2021

Opening remarks by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană at the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives Annual Conference (NCGP)

(As delivered)
21 Oct. 2021

NATO Statement at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security by NATO Secretary General’s Acting Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Ms Allison Hart

14 Apr. 2021

Statement at the UN Security Council’s Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict by NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security Clare Hutchinson

(As delivered)
29 Oct. 2020

NATO Statement at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security

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