Brussels Summit Final Communiqué
issued by the Heads of State and Government at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, Brussels May 1975
- English
- French
Reaffirmation of Allied cohesion Berlin MBFR - Co-operation with all members of the International Community.
- The North Atlantic Council met in Brussels on 29th and 30th May, 1975 with the participation of Heads of State and Government.
- As a result of their review of developments since the Ottawa Declaration on Atlantic Relations was singed in Brussels last year, the Allied leaders are strengthened in their resolve to preserve the solidarity of the Alliance and restore it where impaired by removing the causes which disturb it among Allies. They reaffirm that the essential purpose of the Alliance is to safeguard the independence and security of its members and to make possible the creation of a lasting structure of peace.
- Serious problems confront the Allies in the pursuit of this purpose. The armed forces of the Warsaw Pact continue to grow in strength beyond any apparent defensive needs. At the same time, the maintenance of the Allied defence effort at a satisfactory level encounters new difficulties arising from the world-wide economic situation. The Allies are resolved to face such challenges together and with determination.
- The collective security provided by the Alliance, on the basis of a credible capacity to deter and defend, is a stabilising factor, beneficial to international relations as a whole, and indeed an essential condition of détente and peace. In a troubled world subject to rapid transformation the Allies reaffirm that the security of each is of vital concern to all. They owe it, not only to themselves but to the international community, to stand by the principles and the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance which brought them together as Allies. Accordingly the Allies stress their commitment to the provisions of the North Atlantic Treaty, and in particular Article 5 which provides for common defence.
- The security afforded by the Treaty enables the Allies to pursue policies reflecting their desire that understanding and co-operation should prevail over confrontation. An advance along this road would be made if the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe were concluded on satisfactory terms and its words translated into deeds. The Allies hope that progress in the negotiations will permit such a conclusion in the near future. They reaffirm that there is an essential connection between détente in Europe and the situation relating to Berlin. The Allies participating in the negotiations in Vienna emphasise that the development of understanding and co-operation also requires mutual and balanced force reduction in Central Europe in a manner which would contribute to a more stable relationship and enhanced security for all.
- The peoples of the Alliance share in the universal aspiration for justice and social progress. They desire that through concerted efforts there should emerge an international order which reflects the political, economic and social realities of our time. The Allies are resolved to co-operate with the other members of the international community on global problems such as those of population, food, energy, raw materials and the environment. The well-being of man- kind depends on success in these common tasks.
- The Allied leaders meeting in Council recall that the future of democracy and freedom throughout the world is closely linked to the future of those countries whose common heritage embraces these ideals and where they enjoy the widest popular support. With this in mind, they unanimously affirm that they will enhance the effectiveness and vitality of their association within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty, which is fundamental not only to the security of the Allied nations but also to the preservation of the values to which they are deeply attached.