Meeting of NATO-Russia Council

Sochi, Russian Federation, 4 July 2011

  • 04 Jul. 2011 -
  • |
  • Press Release (2011) 081
  • Issued on 28 Jun. 2011
  • |
  • Last updated 11-Jul-2011 11:28

General information

  1. Permanent representatives of the NATO-Russia Council will hold a meeting in Sochi, Russian Federation, on Monday 4th July 2011. The meeting will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who will hold a press conference after its conclusion. This media advisory contains important time lines for media attendance and participation.
  2. Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov will host the meeting. Senior Representation from the Ministry of Defence will attend. The President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, will hold a metting with members of the NATO-Russia Council in Sochi also on 4th July.
  3. The Radisson Lazurnaya Hotel (103 Kurortniy Prospekt, Sochi, Russia 354024 – Phone/fax : +7-8622 66-30-05) is the venue for the meeting and the NATO Secretary General’s Press Conference. The NATO website ( is the source of all related further informations.

Programme and media access

  1. These are the media opportunities : 1/ coverage of the opening remarks of the NATO-Russia Council meeting, and 2/ the press conference concluding the event. The NATO Secretary General’s press conference will be held in the Radisson Lazurnaya Hotel in the late morning.
  2. Access by media to the facilities will be possible from the morning of 4th July at the Radisson Lazurnaya’s “Pierre Le Grand” entrance. Those media representatives wishing to bring in TV, photo or large recording equipment (including SNGs or OB vans) must arrive at the Radisson Lazurnaya Hotel early morning for screen and pre-position.
  3. Live coverage of the media events is foreseen and will be made available by NATO on webstreaming and via satellite. The public opening remarks and the NATO Secretary General’s Press Conference will be available on the NATO website ( after the event. The NATO TV/Radio Office in Brussels will make available video and still photographic material via the NATO website and upon request in broadcast quality; furthermore, an edited package will also be available upon request via the NATO office in Brussels after the meeting.

Media accreditation

  1. Prior accreditation is required and must be made through the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    Applications for accreditation must be submitted before Wednesday 29th June 2011 close on business. Applications received after that deadline will not be considered.

  2. Identification requirements for entrance: photo identification and a valid press credential from a recognised national authority.
  3. Security screening will take place upon entering the Radisson Lazurnaya Hotel, which frequently results in long lines and delays getting into the hotel. Media representatives should time their arrival on site accordingly.

Facilities / transport / accommodation

  1. Limited filling facilities are foreseen on site. The press conference room will be cabled for sound in three languages. Wi-Fi signal may vary.
  2. Media representatives interested in covering the meeting should make their own arrangements regarding transport, accommodations and / or visa. Access to the Hotel will be difficult on 3rd and 4th July and media representatives are encouraged to allow for extra time to pass through security controls.


Russian Media Coordinator
Mr. Damien ARNAUD
NATO Media Coordinator