NATO Secretary General commends reservists: “People can sleep easy knowing you stand ready”

  • 29 Jan. 2025 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 30 Jan. 2025 16:08

On Wednesday (29 January 2025), NATO Secretary General, Mark Rutte, took part in the first joint meeting between the NATO Committee on Reserves and the Reserve Federations (CIOR, CIOMR and CISOR), hosted at NATO Headquarters from 27 to 31 January.

In his remarks to reservists and representatives of the military the Secretary General acknowledged the vital role played by the reserve forces as part of NATO’s defence and deterrence. He said: “You represent a vital pillar of our collective defence. Reserve forces comprise over half of the wartime strength of the armies of NATO Allies.  People can sleep easy knowing you stand ready.” Mr Rutte also praised reservists as a bridge between civil society and the military at a time when NATO must adopt a wartime mindset. 

Reservists from all Allied nations, as well as from NATO’s partners Australia, Austria, Georgia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea and Ukraine, attended the annual meeting. The Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defence, Serhii Melnyk also attended the conference.